A very insightful book if you are looking for some vampire lore.
A very insightful book if you are looking for some vampire lore.
I am an absolute fan of the genre, so am quite ok with all the black-eyed crows and the blood and gore. But I have to warn you, proceed with caution. Those birds will not hesitate to attack you. Also, beware of Scott‘s kids. Sometimes they are a little off as him. Like father, maybe?
Can‘t wait to see what Chad will brew next, but I will make sure to read it. Thanks to Book Siren and Chad Nicholas for this review copy.
#horrorbooks #bookreviews
Quite a good one with classic horror tropes. Full review to follow soon on nestofbooks.com
An amazing edge of the seat thriller. How wrong could an Open house get, really? Read yourself to find out. Releasing this December.
However, I didn't at all believe or liked the ending.
Thank you NetGalley and Avon Books for an arc
A very different insight into the deaf community. A grim tale of tragedy.
What an amazing piece of storytelling. Throughout the entire book I felt like I was simply watching a movie. The story was told at a decent pace, gripping plotlines and some amazing character building. Looking forward to the second installment of the series.
#books #bookbloggers #jeffreyarcher #onlytimewilltell #thecliftonchronicles
Full review here: https://www.facebook.com/481154959320954/posts/550571419045974/
If Agatha Christie is the queen of crimes, then this is absolutely her crown. Delightful read. Full review is up in my blog nestofbooks.com
#agathachristie #books
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