Slow to start, but once the pieces started coming together it was completely captivating. Through all the twists, turns, and tragedies, I ended up wanting to live in its world.
Slow to start, but once the pieces started coming together it was completely captivating. Through all the twists, turns, and tragedies, I ended up wanting to live in its world.
"I'm tired of being what everyone else has made me," I said. "I want to be myself." "Don't be a child."
I looked up, started and angry, though of course there was nothing to see. "What?"
"You are what your creators and experiences have made you, like every other being in this universe. Accept that and be done."
A brilliant and moving work of political history, which brought to life the complex landscape of Joan's world before introducing us to her, thereby showing us how extraordinary she really was. I could hardly put it down.
Today's cafe read. "I think: what is my responsibility to my roots - both white and brown, Spanish-speaking and English? I am a woman with a foot in both worlds; and I refuse the split. I feel the necessity for dialogue. Sometimes I feel it urgently."