And now, for the finale... some light reading of 850 pages. 😍
4⭐⭐⭐⭐ Now this was a really fun Christmas reading. I really liked ~almost~ all the stories. One of them shouldn't be there, but there are a couple that neeeeed 300 more pages.
I've read four stories so far. It's like three of them are missing 300 pages but the other one shouldn't be there. 😶
5⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ If "Queen of Hearts" was good, "Blood of Wonderland" it's even better. That cliffhanger at the end, tho... Full of power, rage, love, strong character and adventure. The character development is incredible. Can I have book number 3 now?
"Si no puedo calmar el fuego que me devora viva, haré que todo el País de las Maravillas arda conmigo."
It's time for Dinah's revenge!! ? Now I desperately neeeed the last book of the series.
4⭐⭐⭐⭐ I am a huge fan of retellings and Colleen Oakes is a pro at the genre. What I love about this books are the little clues here and there about popular references and her take and spin on the classic Alice in Wonderland. Love, love, loooove this book.
5⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ This is one of the best romance books I've read all year. It's sweet and sexy, but also has a real plot and mistery. Definitely a must for romance lovers. 💜 #Romance
The cover is gorgeous and the supernatural theme sounds like fun. Will keep you posted. #CurrentlyReading
After what felt like years and years, I finally finished this. And now I am sad I wasted my time. 😔
It was a weird reading... It was sort of entertaining at first, but then a complete mess. I don't get the point of the plot or the developement of the characters. Definitely not gonna recommend this one.
Still not sure how I feel about this book. I mean, it's been a little entertaining but not exciting or anything new. #ToReadOrNotToRead