Have I mentioned how much I love Colleen Hoover? Well I do, and I've read almost all of her books except for Maybe Someday. I'm so excited for her new novel to come out in October 😆
#ColleenHoover #CoHo #NewAdult
Have I mentioned how much I love Colleen Hoover? Well I do, and I've read almost all of her books except for Maybe Someday. I'm so excited for her new novel to come out in October 😆
#ColleenHoover #CoHo #NewAdult
This is my TBR for this month and I'm already halfway through White Fur. I'm not exactly enjoying it but I've read too much already and need to know what will happen to them in the end.
#WhiteFur #WeAreOkay #JardineLibaire #OctaviaEButler #Kindred #NinaLacour
I know this isn't a HP related post, but happy 20th birthday to the Harry Potter series.
#CoHo #UglyLove #TheProblemWithForever #TheUnexpectedEverything
"I was impossible. Like a unicorn."
#ATUAWT #BrynGreenwood #AlltheUglyandWonderfulThings #Quote #QOTD
Last night I finished reading Fahrenheit 451 and loved it except for the ending which I'm sort of confused about. Today, I'll be starting Room by Emma Donoghue. I watched the movie and loved it and when I found out there was a book, I knew I had to read it.
#BookishRainbow #Pocky #YoungAdult #YA
So I'm not sure how I'll be using this account yet. I want it to be different from my bookstagram, but I'm not sure how I'll do that yet. 🤔
#Papertowns #JohnGreen #TheCatKingofHavana #TomCrosshill #YA
I've read half of these books, and the other half are in my TBR pile. I got the chance to read Girl in Pieces by Kathleen Glasgow last August thanks to an ARC and absolutely loved it. It was a tough read because it deals with mental health and self mutilation, but Charlie's story was just incredible. I was devastated by her lows, and so happy for her triumphs. And it made me cry by the end, but it was so worth it.
#YA #YAlit
Hello! So I heard about this app from some of my bookstagram friends and I'm here to check it out. So far it looks great and perfect for book lovers!
I also have a blog, Instagram, and Goodreads (duh) with the same username (except the Goodreads).
#YA #YoungAdult #Bookmarks #WeWereLiars #ELockhart