“There is only chance in this world, chance and physics.” Still reeling from this one. Doerr‘s ability to reconcile divergent storylines so seamlessly is unreal. #allthelightwecannotsee #anthonydoerr
“There is only chance in this world, chance and physics.” Still reeling from this one. Doerr‘s ability to reconcile divergent storylines so seamlessly is unreal. #allthelightwecannotsee #anthonydoerr
“Love is both how you become a person, and why.” John Green is an incredibly evocative and emotive writer, and it is so easy to feel what he says. Beautiful book. #johngreen #turtlesallthewaydown
“She was lost in that deep and certain sense that there was nothing beyond her own experience. As if there were only one way things could go, the years leading you down a corridor to the room where your inevitable self waited — embryonic, ready to be revealed. How sad it was to realize that sometimes you never got there. That sometimes you lived a whole life skittering across the surface as the years passed, unblessed.” #thegirls #emmacline