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I just watched the #Netflix trailer!!! I may have to re-read before it‘s release! #AllTheLightWeCannotSee#AnthonyDoerr#Netflix

LitStephanie Ooh, is it a miniseries or a movie? I loved the book! 1y
Follow.my.read @LitStephanie I believe it‘s a movie! LOOKS AMAZING!!! Gave me CHILLS just like the book did!!!! 1y
LitStephanie 😃 I will have to watch it. 1y
CatMS Have not read the book. My friend whom I share a literary taste read it and gave it a scathing review, however she did say she will have to watch the movie. I may have to read before I watch the movie. 1y
SamAnne I loved it. But it is my least favorite Doerr book. 1y
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“The things that look fixed in the world, child - mountains, wealth, empires - their permanence is only an illusion. We believe they will last, but that is only because of the brevity of our own lives.”


#CurrentlyReading #CloudCuckooLand #Books #AnthonyDoerr #FiveStars #Fiction #Bookstagram #GradyHendrix

Cloud Cuckoo Land | Anthony Doerr
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Cloud Cuckoo Land is a masterpiece about a book called Aethon's story. Setting is Constantinople in the 15th century with 13 year-old Anna who is an orphan. In a small town in present-day Idaho, Zeno, an octogenarian, rehearses 5 children in a play adaptation of Aethon's story. And in a not-so-distant future, on the interstellar ship Argos, Konstance is alone in a vault, copying on scraps of sacking the story of Aethon, told to her by her father.

EadieB Cloud Cuckoo Land is a beautiful and redemptive novel about stewardship of the book, of the Earth, of the human heart. This book switches between these 3 time zones and can get confusing if you don't pay attention to the story. It's a book that you will either love it to be longer or hate it and wish it was shorter. 3y
EadieB If you love different kinds of genre then I believe you will love this book as I find it to be a mixture of all genres. It definitely will go down in book history as a book you should read before you die! 3y
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EadieB @TheAromaofBooks This is my #BookSpin book. 3y
Crazeedi three time frames? Different! Have a good day Eadie 3y
EadieB @Crazeedi Thanks! You too! 3y
TheAromaofBooks Great review!! 3y
perfectsinner Just picked up a copy recently, great review! Can't wait to read it. I was kinda on the fence about buying it, hope I enjoy it as much as you 3y
EadieB @perfectsinner I‘m sure you will! 3y
Andrew65 Well done 👏👏👏 3y
EadieB @Andrew65 Thanks! 3y
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"Open your eyes and see what you can with them before they close forever."
#AnthonyDoerr #AlltheLightWeCannotSee #booklover #bookworm

MaNoo You are right. But I wonder why dis book is appearing in all the suggestions. 4y
BottomlessPit Have you read this book? 4y
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"#Time is a slippery thing: lose hold of it once, and its string might sail out of your hands forever.
#AnthonyDoerr #AlltheLightWeCannotSee #bookworm #booklover

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"It's as if the city has become a #library of #books in an unknown #language, the houses great shelves of illegible volumes, the lamps all extinguished."
#AnthonyDoerr #AlltheLightWeCannotSee #bookworm #booklover

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"Silence is the fruit of the occupation; it hangs in branches, sleeps from.the gutters."
#AnthonyDoerr #AlltheLightWeCannotSee #bookworm #booklover

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"You know the greatest lesson of history? It's that history is whatever the victors say it is. That's the lesson. Whoever wins, that's who decides the history. We act in our own self-interest. Of course we do. Name me a person or a nation who does not. The trick is figuring out where your interests are."
#AlltheLightWeCannotSee #AnthonyDoerr #littens #bookworm #booklover

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"As if each antenna relay were a candle flame and a pair of fingers came along and pinched it out."
#AnthonyDoerr #AlltheLightWeCannotSee #bookworm #booklover

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Freespirit Loved this book alot😍 4y
BoleyBooks I did too 😊 It revealed our human resilience and connectivity...beyond those that lust for violence and war. There is so much love here...so much beauty...even when it must stay hidden to survive. 💕 4y
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