“And we drove towards the widening dawn, that now streaked half the sky with a wintry bouquet of pink roses, orange of tiger-lillies, as if my husband had ordered me a sky from the florist”. (8)
“And we drove towards the widening dawn, that now streaked half the sky with a wintry bouquet of pink roses, orange of tiger-lillies, as if my husband had ordered me a sky from the florist”. (8)
“You tell me to quiet down cause my opinions make me less beautiful but I was not made with a fire in my belly so I could be put out I was not made with a lightness on my tongue so I could be easy to swallow I was made heavy half blade and half silk difficult to forget and not easy for the mind to follow” 30
“But live! Live fully. Act whenever you feel the necessity. Don‘t live only in your head. You are in the world”