Ok, crying my eyes out now ...
Got the second book in the serie as a gift, but of course I had to get the first one too.
Such an interesting book! Outspoken, rough, naked, yet still quite low key in a way too.
A really nice story with an interesting way of telling. And lot's of food!
A bit to quick to the conclutions and sometimes a bit too obvious, but a good crime debut.
Just started this. Hoping for a really good crime story. Haven't read one for a while.
A bit slow in the beginning, but then - what a book! About sibling rivalry, great loss och great love.
Back to work and to train reading. At the moment this very promising little thing.
I love David Levithan, but didn't love this book as much as I'd hoped for
Sweet, but sometimes just too much.
Oj, det här verkar lovande!??
Started reading this, and expecting to love it. Just not feeling it quite yet. A bit too ..."talkative"... perhaps ...
A bit over the top sometimes, but a nice and easily read feel good-book anyway.
I really liked this story about the young Eva and her two fathers and the complications when the "legal" father dies and the other father isn't allowed to be one.
A slow start, but then! Intriguing and interesting with an excellent female lead.
Interesting and important. Not as gripping as I would have wanted/thougt, but a good read!
Reading and liking it so far.
Love with complications 1.0
Fine for a few hours of lightweight entertainmen, but I'll forget it just as fast.
Quite good and sometimes very funny. Somehow I expected more after serveral blogs praised it. But a pick anyway.
Sorry, but the story and the mystery was drowned in technical terminology about diving and sailing.
The third book from this author. They are loosley connected, but can be read separately. I like the "feel-good"-vibe with a little bit of sorrow in it. A good summer read.
A sweet little story. Nothing more - nothing less.
"Det är inte sant att bokhandlare bara bryr sig om böcker, tänkte Perdu [...] De bryr sig mest om människor."
Det tog lite tid, men nu är jag helt inne i den här!
Not my kind of book. It was a book club book and i try to give those book a fair chance, but this I gave 50 pages then bailed. Not many in the book club enjoyed it, but liked the idea of the book.
Excellent end to this fantasy series. Review (in Swedish) on my blog: http://vastmanbok.blogspot.se/2016/05/bloggstafett-kraften-korpringarna-del-3.ht...
This author always knockes me over with her excellent language.
"Ingenting ger Kraften näring så som blod." #läserjustnu
Had hoped for more because of the fab title, but it was just a sweet little nothing.
Just started this project 😀