“What I‘ve come to realize though, is that I was avoiding the people I didn‘t understand and the ones who lived differently than me. Here‘s why: some of them creeped me out. Sure, I was polite to them, but sadly I‘ve spend my whole life avoiding the people Jesus spent His whole life engaging”.
Y‘all!! I am OBSESSED with this book! I cannot put it down.
Just started this. Excited to see what the hype is all about!! Let me know if you loved it, or if you didn‘t!
At work, and it‘s very slow because the semester is over. So, I get to get ahead with my reading, hopefully in time for book club on Monday.
“The US military‘s decision to tap “high grade” young women-and the women‘s willingness to accept the summons-was a chief reason why America, in the aftermath of its entry into World War II, was able to build an effective code breaking operation practically overnight.”
So I‘ve been reading this book over the last couple days, really buying into the hype of Junot Diaz and then about an hour ago I came across an unfavorable article about him. Thoughts?
Watched Brené Brown on Oprah‘s Super Soul Sunday. Checked out her book from the library just a few days ago. Such a smart lady!