The movie did justice to the novel
Based on true story... story of friendship, religion and everything in between
Eveything and everyone is connected
Music narrates the life of Frankie Presto
The complex political, two religious beliefs among people of Iraq: sunnis, shiites and kurds
Of bombs between Germany and British, blackouts, rations, gas masks and life in times of war
Europe trip with family and redefine relationship between spouse, father and son.
Our earth has changed and we must do our best to protect it no matter what 😭 scary future lies ahead
Mental health, love and friendship. it still annoys me when Reiko sleeps with Watanabe~ i feel betrayed by their friendship
Socio-economic lifestyle of the people in Malaya when two white men reunited. Story of pre-independence days and white occupation in the country.
100 tips to live in the present, love your life and enjoy
Data is the new commodity 👀 Be careful of sharing your personal information online
Funny, quirky, coming of age story
“Mathematics is about making up rules and seeing what happens”. Fun book to grasp the mathematical formula you used to learn in school works in real life
Kisah anak muda merantau dan menemui bahagia sebelum menyerahkan semua pada adat dan tradisi yang memakan diri pada akhirnya
The book highlighted the common mistakes among women that they made unconciously and how to overcome and change from girl to winning woman
Insiders‘ tips and tricks
eye-opening stories about refugees from rohingya ethnics from myanmar to Palestinians, syrians and kashmiri people who seek peace in Malaysia but longing for freedom in their homeland so they can return.
Kisah selepas Perang Dunia Kedua, kritikan sosial atas masyarakat yang terpaksa meneruskan hidup dalam kesempitan Kota Singapura serta mahalnya harga peluang pendidikan
Too much cruelty of human sacrifices from superstitious beliefs and stories
Sesungguhnya wanita itu istimewa dan kedudukan tinggi dalam Islam bilamana mereka tahu hak dan menjalankan tanggungjawab disamping lelaki yang berwibawa dalam membentuk kesejahteraan ummah.
Story about the writer‘s experiences regarding property investments
funny and really grasp the asians‘ culture however the movie did michael teo dirty than the book 🙃 the story actually does not focus on eleanor as compared to the movie.
sweeney todd, queen victoria, dr jekyll mr hyde vibes
Just realized that most of children‘s playtime games like tag, was originated by the Romans
Focus on yourself and your intention on why you want to get married before you even met with your potential spouse. Cool tips to prepare yourself to a better marriage life till Jannah
Survival tips and tricks to prepare for the worst
A long letter from a young pregnant wife with one child in foreign land of Rome to her husband who served in military, in one sentence.
fast read for quick meal preparation 😬
jentik hati untuk bergantung pada-Nya kerana sesungguhnya Allah adalah sebaik-baik Pelindung buat hamba-Nya
Autobiography about Tina Fey and her rise to fame as snl writer and sarah palin‘s doppelgänger
Tips and tricks to clean the house
Guide to Marvel universe from superheroes to super villian and eventful fights
I read the comic version of the story. Man‘s quests to live out of civilisation and discover ocean‘s mystery.