Described by the author as a children‘s book for adults, these stories are the daydreams of a creative child. Not my usual fare, but it‘s charming with a bit of an edge, which I appreciate.
Described by the author as a children‘s book for adults, these stories are the daydreams of a creative child. Not my usual fare, but it‘s charming with a bit of an edge, which I appreciate.
I love Roald Dahl's children's books as well as Rankin and Bass movies, so this Ian McEwan adaptation of an R&B movie that reads like a Roald Dahl story is right up my alley. Actually, where his style deviates from Dahl might be the book's weakest point - there's none of the darkness present in McEwan's adult works, and while that might sound proper for a kids' book, it can come across as sentimental and patronizing. Still, an enjoyable read. 4⭐
This is a children‘s book that would appeal to adults too. 10 year-old Peter Fortune has a vivid imagination. He understands how it would feel to be a cat. He experienced the terror of being chased by evil dolls and he got to use vanishing cream that can actually make people disappear. When it takes him to where reality and daydreams meet, has it finally taken him too far? I will be passing this one onto my grandchildren. They will surely love it!
1. I cancelled my trip to England/Scotland for August.
2. This week I am participating in #NutsInMay Readathon. Reading Ian McEwan books.
3. Got a chance to sit outside and read yesterday as it was sunny and starting to warm up.
#ThoughtfulThursday @MoonWitch94
@Eggs Thanks for the tag!
Want to play? @batsy @Arvena @BookwormM @LapReader
Woke up, fell out of bed
Dragged a comb across my head
Found my way downstairs and drank a cup
And looking up I noticed I was late
Found my coat and grabbed my hat
Made the bus in seconds flat
Made my way upstairs and had a smoke
And everybody spoke and I went into a dream🎶
#adayinthelife #beatlemaynia
Never read McEwan, but when l saw this book on the return pile, l couldn't resist this gorgeous cover.
The Almanack is my read for the train ride, a carry-over from the #24B4Monday and #25inFive readathons.
Whilst browsing houses for sale near us, that are WAY out of our budget, we found a place that has this pretty amazing library/reading room.
Dear universe....