Elis Wiesel‘s quote pretty much sums it up: “It shows again, a human being is capable of both very great, good things, and very horrible things.” On my TBR list for a whole now, read for a challenge.
Elis Wiesel‘s quote pretty much sums it up: “It shows again, a human being is capable of both very great, good things, and very horrible things.” On my TBR list for a whole now, read for a challenge.
This was made into a fab movie by HBO. I'm giving away a copy of the book and movie on my blog today. (USA mailing addy only; HBO's publicists are mailing out the prize pack.) http://www.bethfishreads.com/2017/09/review-giveaway-wizard-of-lies-hbo.html?m=1
I don't know about you, but one of my most deeply rooted fears is to become destitute, which is why this one scares me. A lot. #ReadPastFear #stmartins