One of my very few DNFs this year. I stalled half way through, and just could not motivate myself to want to know how it ended. I still think the book jacket design is one of the most exquisite I‘ve ever seen.
One of my very few DNFs this year. I stalled half way through, and just could not motivate myself to want to know how it ended. I still think the book jacket design is one of the most exquisite I‘ve ever seen.
I liked it; if you're not a fan of coarse language, your results may vary.
I really enjoyed reading this book. All the craziness that was the Oakland Raiders in the 1970s - yes, please! Some laugh out loud moments (I listened to the audiobook). I‘m not a Raiders fan, but that made no difference; this was a super read. Highly recommended, if you like football.
I can‘t think of anything I didn‘t like about this book. Lots of intrigue, beautiful Geneva setting, good characters, a little suspense, and a neat twist. Solid 4 ⭐️, and recommended!
I listened to the audiobook; am heading to Monterey this summer, and my hotel is on Cannery Row. I imagine that the town is slightly different now. I liked the characters in the book, but it felt like a bunch of short stories. But that could just be me.
I liked this one. Had to get it through inter-library loan, it came all the way from Wichita, Kansas, to New Jersey! The twists - I will probably go back and forth, thinking about this book, for a while. Recommended. A plus for me, I realized after a while, that it was a self-published book, so it qualifies for one of my reading challenges too. Yay!
Read for a challenge (book in epistolary form). I listened to the audiobook, and liked parts of it, when they were describing the beauty of the National Parks, but I though the humor was a little overdone. But maybe that's just me. Or, maybe I'm just jealous because I wasn't able to take a year off from working and travel all over to see the 58 National Parks... hmmm. Overall - recommended.
Read for a challenge (Six Shooter - read six mystery/thriller books by the same author - and this was sixth in the Stevens/Windermere series. I really like the author, will read his other books.
Read for a couple of challenges - definitely not my ‘chosen‘ genre, but I liked it a lot. Shook my head more than a few times while listening to the audiobook; I know this behavior exists, but it was hard to read about. Good book - highly recommended for everyone.
I liked this book - about the perjuries committed by Martha Stewart, Barry Bonds, Scooter Libby, and Bernie Madoff. Really interesting, and recommended!
Read for a challenge. Human trafficking - an all-around gritty read. Still like Windermere and Stevens!
Three 🌟 for this one, I enjoyed reading about Coach Pederson‘s background, how he got to the Eagles, and the fabulous 2017-18 season. Recommended!
This book has come up on my radar more than once; spur of the moment I got the audio version from my Library and read it this week. I must not have been in the right frame of mind for it, I found it slightly boring. Okay, but just not worth more than two ⭐️.
PTB after about 85 pages; it just became a slog to even pick up the book. Life‘s too short to try and finish something I just am not enjoying.
I had already covered epistolary novel for my challenge this year, but saw a review of this and decided to read it. It was a delight. I liked the little ‘twist‘ at the end! If you‘re looking for a cute Y/A book, I recommend this one.
I‘ve read all of Baldacci‘s books (except his short stories) - I had high hopes for a new female MC. I was slightly underwhelmed by this one, but I will read the next in the series, when it‘s published. The plot kind of got bogged down about 3/4 of the way. I was okay with the ending, despite suspending belief a number of times.
Read for a challenge (ghost story). Solid 3 - 3 1/2 stars for this one; I especially liked that it was set “down the shore” in New Jersey, and the ghosts were likable, as were the main characters. Though I‘m not a huge cozy fan, I would consider reading more of this series.
I”m not generally a fan of cozy mysteries, but had this on my TBR for what seemed to be forever (probably because it has a dog on the cover...). While I did finish it, I most likely won‘t read any more in this series. 2 - 2 1/2⭐️
Giving this one 3 stars. Glad that I read it, but it wasn‘t a ‘wow‘ to me.
Holy smokes! If I could give 100 stars, I would. Started slow, as Harper does, but ... so freaking good, and what an ending. I am going to have a book hangover from this one! Definitely going to be one of 2019‘s favorites.
Interesting! Makes me want to read more Coroner books.
1. I keep thinking I should have an actual Bucket List, but I don‘t. I do add places I‘d like to go to my ‘virtual‘ Bucket List, tho.
2. Stay healthy, repaint the basement (will probably get that done, it needs it!)
3. Not outside my comfort zone, my Dad was a paint chemist, so we grew up surrounded by paint cans. LOL
4. The Ghosts of Tsavo by Philip Caputo. I will read this!
Hmmm. Love the Sigma Force gang - but this was definitely not a 5 star (or even a 4 star) read for me. The ending was my favorite part, but man it seemed like it took forever to get there.
Read for a challenge; outside my comfort zone - I gave it 3 stars; if a sequel were to be written, I most likely wouldn‘t read it.
My reading buddy. She has to be VERY close to me, which makes reading tough.
1. Two-three times, sometimes with my pups in tow!
2. Four from my Township library, five from my County library, two from Phila. Library
3. Print, books on CDs, audiobooks and an eBook.
4. No!
5. Nine from County, five from Phila. Library
6. Coach Doug Pederson‘s book, Birds of Pray (about the Eagles)
Part of a Six Shooter challenge (read six mysteries by the same author); this one left a trail of murdered folks. May have to take a break from this author for a bit —- still like the main characters, but may have to get something Y/A or chick-lit-ish out of the library for my next read!
Formulaic? Yes. But it‘s a formula, that, after reading 48 books in this series, I still enjoy. This one didn‘t get all 5 stars since (IMHO) the ending seemed to drag on and on. But - am I ready for #49? You bet!
What I like most about the series I read? Reading the latest! Good to spend a few hours with Agent Pendergast. Solid 4 stars.
Solid 4.5 stars. Listened to the audiobook, read by the author. Yeah, plenty of name dropping, but it was all good, as far as I am concerned.
Elis Wiesel‘s quote pretty much sums it up: “It shows again, a human being is capable of both very great, good things, and very horrible things.” On my TBR list for a whole now, read for a challenge.
Read for a challenge, I enjoyed his essays. I was lucky enough to go on an African safari last year, so could totally relate. Well, maybe not to the parts about snakes... all around, a fun read!
Read for a challenge; didn‘t care for the main character enough to continue with any of the other books in the series.
Not my favorite in this series; sad that there‘s only one more to read. I still give it thumbs up because Martin Beck is such a great character.
Wow. Just WOW. Read for a couple of challenges, I never expected to be so invested in this story! If you have this book on your own TBR, move it up NOW. You won‘t be disappointed. Now I can‘t wait for the sequel!
Really enjoyed this one. Sometimes a series gets ‘old‘, but I do think that Penny hit this one out of the park!
Read for a challenge. First (and probably last) experience with manga graphic novels. Are they all printed back to front, right to left? Asking for a friend.
Solid 4 stars. Good story, audio version was well done. Sort of saw the final twist coming, but it was satisfying nonetheless. Would recommend. Read for challenge.
Cozies aren‘t my jam, but this was passable. Read for a challenge. I think folks who have read this series would like it.
Great debut novel! Lots of action, loved the FBI agent and BCA agent interaction. Will read the rest of this series!
A solid 3 1/2 stars. Sci-fi isn‘t my jam, read this for a challenge prompt. Liked the usual Sandford snark, which is prolly what kept me reading. All in all, a good story.