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The Gaslight Dogs
The Gaslight Dogs | Karin Lowachee
6 posts | 4 read | 6 to read
At the edge of the known world, an ancient nomadic tribe faces a new enemy-an Empire fueled by technology and war. A young spiritwalker of the Aniw and a captain in the Ciracusan army find themselves unexpectedly thrown together. The Aniw girl, taken prisoner from her people, must teach the reluctant soldier a forbidden talent - one that may turn the tide of the war and will surely forever brand him an outcast. From the rippling curtains of light in an Arctic sky, to the gaslit cobbled streets of the city, war is coming to the frozen north. Two people have a choice that will decide the fates of nations - and may cast them into a darkness that threatens to bring destruction to both their peoples.
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The Gaslight Dogs | Karin Lowachee
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Once again, I'm torn. I'm marking this as a pick because I think it's absolutely worth reading. It's set in a secondary world reminiscent of 19th century Canada, complete with complicated (and painful) settler/Indigenous relations, and Lowachee sells it very well indeed. I mostly enjoyed it and would definitely read a sequel if one appeared.

I almost marked it so-so, though, because the balance between the personal and the mythic skews toward ⬇️

xicanti (Cont) the latter during the last third. Much as I love fantasy, I NEED the personal element to be at least as strong as the magic, and I struggled with the book once it lost that balance. The ending also feels very much like the beginning of a larger story, not like a conclusion in its own right. It's unsatisfying, especially since the reader can tell pretty early on that there'll be no true resolution. 6y
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The Gaslight Dogs | Karin Lowachee
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I stopped off for a book & coffee break in between casting my vote and getting my flu shot, and I won a free pastry off my Monopoly tokens! Hurray

The Gaslight Dogs | Karin Lowachee
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Supper + book. I bought THE GASLIGHT DOGS back in February on the strength of my love for Lowachee's SF, then sat on it for months because I was scared it wouldn't live up. It's definitely different from her earlier stuff, but I'm halfway through and enjoying it.

silentrequiem Oh, I have that book! I really should read it... (Note: also applies to about 2,000 other books.) 6y
xicanti @silentrequiem this situation feels veeeeeeery familiar. 6y
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The Gaslight Dogs | Karin Lowachee
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I assembled this selection of Canadian books from La TBR in honour of Canada Day, but stuff happened with barbecues and puppies and documentaries and rainstorms, and I forgot to post it! Let's call it a birthday stack instead, since it's FINALLY MY BIRTHDAY! YAY!

PerksOfBeingABookworm Happy birthday!! 🎈🎉 6y
glitterkitty459 Happy Birthday!!! 🎊🎉🎂 6y
Eyelit Happy birthday!🎈🎁🎉 6y
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youneverarrived Happy Birthday 🎂🥂 6y
Amanda23 Happy Birthday! 🎈🎈🎈 6y
Slajaunie Happy Birthday!🎁🎉 6y
JessClark78 Happy Birthday! 🎊🎂🎉🎉 6y
Jabberwocky So many good choices!!! 🇨🇦 6y
Jabberwocky (Also happy birthday) 😅 6y
Lreads Happy Birthday! I hope you have a great day! 🎉🍫 6y
TobeyTheScavengerMonk Happy Birthday! Hope it‘s a great one! 6y
quietjenn Happy birthday! 🍰🎉💖 6y
BiblioLitten Oh that's great! Happy birthday 💖🎇😊 6y
readordierachel Happy belated! Glad you had a good one! 📚🎉🎊 6y
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The Gaslight Dogs | Karin Lowachee
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I also tallied up last month's bookish spending. My plan to buy one new book a month in 2018 is gonna majorly mess up my typical $20-or-less (usually way less) pattern, but at least I'll soon be back near a bookstore where I've got a gift card to burn through. The current Marvel sale tripped me up last night, too.

My $25.59 got me 10 things total: 4 novels, 4 single issues, and 2 trades.

RealLifeReading It's great that you keep track of your bookish spending! 7y
xicanti @RealLifeReading this is the first year I've done it properly. I expect I'll groan over the total every month on account of the buying-new-books thing. Usually, I buy most of my stuff from the thrift store's 5-for-$4 selection. 7y
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The Gaslight Dogs | Karin Lowachee
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I traded some books at The Book Man in Chilliwack today and got a couple in return: some Vinge I haven't read and THE GASLIGHT DOGS at long last. Hurray!

One sadness: the only book they passed on was LIFE MOVES PRETTY FAST, which I thought was odd because it was a recent release that'd only been read once. When I got it home, I realized it sustained water damage in transit. I'm weirdly crushed. I wanted more people to read this copy.