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I thought this was a brilliant read on AI although I spent most of it thinking ‘how can this be allowed to happen‘ (especially in regard to deep fakes 😤). It was giving me anxiety thinking of the world we‘re living in with AI becoming more prominent as a lot of seemed quite bad - however the audio came with a 30min interview with the author which sort of offered a more balanced approach to it- she talked of how it could be used in positive ways.

squirrelbrain I thought this was really fascinating. 2d
BarbaraBB I don‘t dare picking up this one 2d
youneverarrived @squirrelbrain it was informative - you could tell it was thoroughly researched but she made it accessible I think 2d
youneverarrived @BarbaraBB I get that - although it was an informative read parts of it were just scary 😟 2d
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Three | Valrie Perrin
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I loved living in the lives of Adrien, Etienne and Nina. It spans over decades from the time they meet at school to their present day. One of my favourites of the year so far.

Suet624 Perrin is a must read for me. 1w
vlwelser Favorite author list for sure. I also loved this one. 1w
Centique Aww i love the photo! So sweet going for coffee together. ❤️ I have this book and hope to get to it soon - your review makes me excited to get to it. 1w
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BarbaraBB Gorgeous photo ☕️! And I loved the book too - all of her books are unforgettable 1w
squirrelbrain Such a cute picture! I just read this recently and loved it… 🥰 1w
youneverarrived @Suet624 this is the first I‘ve read of hers but definitely going to read more. 1w
youneverarrived @vlwelser I‘ve only ever heard good things about her. I think I‘ll read this one next 1w
youneverarrived @Centique aw we do love our coffee mornings 🥰 it‘s a chunkster but doesn‘t read like one - it‘s hard to put down. Let me know what you think when you get to it 🤍 1w
youneverarrived @BarbaraBB 🥰 this is the only one I‘ve read but next up will be 1w
youneverarrived @squirrelbrain it‘s brilliant isn‘t it 🤍 will definitely be reading her other books! 1w
vlwelser I have her first book in my tbr stack but Fresh Water for Flowers was also amazing. 1w
Suet624 Gotta read Fresh Water. My favorite of them all. 🙂 1w
BarbaraBB That one and this one are even better than Three 1w
sarahbarnes This one is on my shelf and I want to get to it soon! 4d
youneverarrived @sarahbarnes I hope you like it as much as me 🩷 3d
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Between this & James this is the first time I‘ve ever used up the audiobook hours on Spotify - and I‘ve still got 10 days before it‘s renewed (I‘m loving this book so much I‘m tempted to pay the 9.99 for extra hours but it seems a lot 🤔)

Cathythoughts I‘m the wrong one to ask 🙈.. I‘ll say if you love it that much just go for it .. enjoy !! (edited) 1w
BarbaraBB You make me very curious about this book! 1w
youneverarrived @Cathythoughts 😆 my other half said the same - to just go for it if I‘m really enjoying it 🤍 1w
youneverarrived @BarbaraBB I‘m only 3hrs into it but I just want to keep listening! Based on what I‘ve listened to so far I think you will like it too 1w
BarbaraBB Thanks I see I have it stacked already! 1w
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I‘ve had this checked out from the library for far too long - finally getting to it. Think it‘s going to be a tough read.

quietlycuriouskate Oh gosh, that does sound tough!😧 2w
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I do love a list! 😁

charl08 Me too! 2w
Cathythoughts Me too , I have lots of lists 👍🏻😁 2w
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James: A Novel | Percival Everett
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This is the epitome of brilliant storytelling - I think the audio added to this as the narrator was AMAZING (if anyone ever asks for audio recommendations this will be my go to). I think Jim/James was a great protagonist in the journey he goes through and the courage and wisdom he has. I loved it as a story but I think reading it with #camplitsy in mind added more depth to the way I listened to it, making me think more deeply about it. #tbrtarot

BarbaraBB I feel the same thanks to #CampLitsy24. I didn‘t love the book but now I kind of do 😃 2w
youneverarrived @BarbaraBB that‘s fab you like it more 😁 2w
Centique Thank you for the idea of reading it on audio. I need a new listen! 2w
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All Fours | Miranda July
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Imagine being able to write a book like this! I thought it was really clever and gripping. It‘s one of those I think every one will take something different from so really looking forward to the #camplitsy discussion.

squirrelbrain Great review! Looking forward to the discussions soon. 2w
youneverarrived @squirrelbrain thanks! It should be interesting 😆 2w
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Small Pleasures | The School Of Life
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This was a lovely read encouraging us to take notice of the small pleasures in life. I live for the ‘little things‘ and moments in life so this was right up my street. #nonfiction2024 (The God of Small Things)

Thanks again for this one Helen 😘

squirrelbrain Glad you liked it! ❤️ 3w
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Clear: A Novel | Carys Davies
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I loved this. I wasn‘t sure that audio was the right format at first but after a while I really got immersed in it & found myself slowing down while listening on my walks to match the tone of the book 😆 it evokes a strong sense of place and is atmospheric which I love. Another review describes it well by noting it has a ‘quiet intensity‘ 🖤 #camplitsy

squirrelbrain Glad you liked it! 1mo
BarbaraBB Such a wonderful review. Time slowing down while reading. And yes I loved the book too. 1mo
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Butter: Roman | Asako Yuzuki
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Best thing about summer days - the kids are happy in the garden most of the day so I get to sit and read 😁☀️ just starting the second half #camplitsy

mcctrish Summer reading is the best 1mo
squirrelbrain Perfect! ☀️ 1mo
BarbaraBB So cute! Enjoy! 1mo
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Oxfam - Micklegate York | York, North Yorkshire, United Kingdom (Bookstore)
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Lovely few hours with @squirrelbrain @TrishB @Oryx

Pleased with my book haul 😁 (got a couple for the kids too not pictured!)

squirrelbrain Lovely to meet you! You might have won the book haul challenge, if you add in the kids‘ books too! 🤣 1mo
Cathythoughts Sounds lovely. Great haul. ♥️ 1mo
Oryx Lovely to meet you. Great haul 📚 1mo
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Deblovestoread Great stack of books! 1mo
Leftcoastzen Nice Haul! 1mo
LeahBergen I saw you holding that little MacMillan one in another photo and wondered what the title was. 😆 1mo
TrishB Great haul and lovely to meet you Katie 😁 1mo
youneverarrived @squirrelbrain haha we did well 👍 lovely to meet you too! 1mo
youneverarrived @Oryx and you 🩷 1mo
youneverarrived @LeahBergen 🤣 have you read it? 1mo
youneverarrived @TrishB lovely meeting you too 🥰 1mo
LeahBergen No, but it‘s waiting on my shelves (this should be written on my tombstone 😆😆). 1mo
rubyslippersreads @LeahBergen That would be my perfect epitaph too. 😂 1mo
rubyslippersreads I love (and collect) those little MacMillans. 1mo
youneverarrived @rubyslippersreads they‘re so lovely! 😍 1mo
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Clap When You Land | Elizabeth Acevedo
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Written in verse, I feel like the audio gave this an extra boost as we get to hear the inflections and tones from both narrators. A great listen about sisters who only get to know of each other through a traumatic event. The way it unfolded, the sisters different experiences, ambitions etc and how they each dealt with grief and getting to know each other was done really well.

Evil Games | Angela Marsons
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I‘ve been reading a lot of non-fiction books that have all been AMAZING but I was so ready to read something not so taxing while I was on holiday and this was the perfect choice. The pacing was spot on, I was always wondering how it would all come together, we get to know the characters a bit more and I read it within 4 days which is really quick for me! Thanks for this one @squirrelbrain 💚

MicheleinPhilly My absolute favorite “mac ‘n cheese” reads! 1mo
squirrelbrain Now I‘m trying to work out where you were / are on holiday! 🤣 1mo
youneverarrived @MicheleinPhilly I love that I‘ve still got loads more to read for when I need that sort of read 1mo
youneverarrived @squirrelbrain 😂 this was Alnwick castle - we were staying in Scotland but went to Alnwick for the day 1mo
squirrelbrain Ah, I wasn‘t far away with my thinking - I thought Bamburgh as I knew you‘d been to Barter Books, but decided it didn‘t look enough like it. I didn‘t recognise it as Alnwick! 1mo
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Sent the kids upstairs so I can watch this in peace 😂

I‘m still reading Code Dependent & A Flat Place (loving this one) from the non-fiction list but from the ones I‘ve read I would love All That She Carried to win.

AnneCecilie I‘m sitting and watching too. 1mo
youneverarrived @AnneCecilie it was fab! I feel like Doppelganger was the obvious winner but such a brilliant book that deserves to be widely read. 1mo
squirrelbrain Glad you had some peace and quiet! 🤫 I‘m pleased with both winners. 1mo
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AnneCecilie @youneverarrived @squirrelbrain I‘m happy about the winners too, especially Brotherless Night 1mo
youneverarrived @squirrelbrain @AnneCecilie Brotherless Night is next on my list to read! 1mo
squirrelbrain You‘ll have to get yourself a copy! 🤣 1mo
youneverarrived @squirrelbrain haha if only someone had kindly bought a copy for me for my birthday 😂😘 1mo
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I feel a bit bad not liking this book considering it was written by a 13 year old but it was really repetitive. My main issue with it was I didn‘t like the way it was always ‘us with autism‘ - sort of speaking for everyone with autism instead of speaking just for himself and his own experience 😬 I‘m sure it‘s very insightful for some though ♥️ #nonfiction2024 (The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-Time)

IndoorDame I totally hear you! I‘m reading a book about asexuality right now, and one of my favorite things so far is that the author devoted a whole chapter early on to making sure the readers understand that she‘s not speaking for all asexuals, who exactly the book is talking about within that context, that language is constantly evolving, and that definition and categorization are inherently flawed but still useful… 1mo
youneverarrived @IndoorDame ah I love that! It makes a difference when authors recognise and acknowledge those things 1mo
rwmg I'm not sure that's an insight with the reach of many 13 year olds. But then again while reading it I did wonder how much of the language and way of expressing himself came from Naoki Higashida himself and how much came from David Mitchell. 1mo
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How to Say Babylon | Safiya Sinclair
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If this wasn‘t shortlisted for the #womensprizeNF I wouldn‘t have been in a rush to read it but I‘m so glad it was as it‘s such a poignantly and beautifully written memoir. I loved listening to the author read her story herself. Brilliant 🖤 #nonfiction2024 (Born a Crime)

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I was thinking of this book even when I wasn‘t reading it. I love that the author uses the cloth as a starting point to write about/give us perspectives from people who couldn‘t always leave a record of their lives/feelings. It will definitely stay with me. #womensprizeNF #nonfiction2024 (The Bluest Eye)

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Barter Books | Alnwick, Northumberland, United Kingdom (Bookstore)
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Went to Barter Books for my birthday 😁 Alfie was so excited over the train 🩵

LeahBergen Happy Birthday!! 2mo
squirrelbrain Love Barter Books (although the books are VERY expensive). I can imagine that the train was a hit! 2mo
Cathythoughts Alfie 🥰 2mo
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Ruthiella Happy Birthday! 🥳🥳🥳 2mo
youneverarrived @squirrelbrain I only came away with 2 books (and 1 for Naomi) when I was fully expecting to do a big book haul. It was nice to browse though. He was so excited 🥰 (edited) 2mo
Reggie He walks now?!!!!! Wasn‘t he just a baby yesterday? Omg!!!! 1mo
youneverarrived @Reggie 😂😂 time flies!! He‘s 4 now 🥹 1mo
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Brotherless Night: A Novel | V. V. Ganeshananthan
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Thank you so much for this book Helen 😘 I can‘t wait to read it. The birthday card is perfect 😍

squirrelbrain You‘re welcome! I had the exact Heidi book on the right of the card, and I asked my Mum about it and she still has it! 2mo
DaveGreen7777 The world became a much kinder place once you were brought into it! 😊 Happy Birthday! 🥳🎂🎈🎉🎁 2mo
youneverarrived @squirrelbrain aw how fab is that 😍 2mo
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youneverarrived @DaveGreen7777 thank you 🩷 2mo
Chelsea.Poole Happy birthday 🌻📚 2mo
youneverarrived @Chelsea.Poole thank you 🩷 2mo
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The anxiety Gilda feels is so palpable that the warmth and humour within the novel is the perfect way to balance it out. I don‘t think it will be a memorable read for me but a good one all the same. #readyourkindle

CBee Yay! Cute bunny too 😊 2mo
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Next up from the #womensprizenf shortlist. Hoping to read them all before the winner is announced 🤞

squirrelbrain Hi Katie, we‘re still planning a York bookshop crawl on 22nd June. If you‘d like to come just drop me an email with your phone number and I‘ll add you to the WhatsApp group. If you don‘t still have my email let me know. 😘 2mo
youneverarrived @squirrelbrain Thanks Helen, I‘ve pencilled it in 🩷 I‘m a part of the Gladstones group from when a few of us did a buddy read a while back, is it the same group? If it‘s a different one I can email you as I‘ve still got your email. 2mo
squirrelbrain I should be able to find you then! I‘ll have a look tomorrow and if not, I‘ll let you know. 2mo
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Housekeeping: A Novel | Marilynne Robinson
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It feels a bit daft bailing at 71% and it‘s such a slim novel too but I really don‘t care about the characters anymore or how it ends 🤷‍♀️ I thought the portrayal of the characters loneliness was done well and the atmosphere of it but I wasn‘t a fan of the writing or the (lack of) story. #readyourkindle

Ruthiella Robinson is so revered as a writer, but she does nothing for me. 2mo
youneverarrived @Ruthiella I was fully expecting to like this but can‘t see myself reading any more of hers. 2mo
CBee On to better books 🙌🏻 2mo
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LeahBergen Baby fingers! 🥰 2mo
youneverarrived @LeahBergen 🥰 every time I go for a coffee she has to have a babyccino 😆 2mo
youneverarrived @CBee exactly 😁 2mo
Cathythoughts Babyccino 💕💕💕 2mo
youneverarrived @Cathythoughts she loves them 😂❤️ 2mo
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A lot of the things Klein writes about in this book are things I find really interesting to read about (and ponder) so this was right up my street. It‘s a hard one to narrow down and review but I‘m glad it seems to be a book a lot of people are interested in as it would be great if more people were aware of what she writes about here. #womensprizeNF

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This was excellent on audio. What the author does so well is shine the humanity on North Koreans, specifically its defectors. I want to say it‘s hard to imagine such poverty, propaganda and such lack of freedom happening today, but sadly it‘s not. Five stars from me. #nonfiction2024 (1984)

Graywacke 👏 I was a bit shocked and found this pretty powerful stuff. 3mo
TrishB Yeah, not difficult at all! We all need to remember people live in these countries that mostly have no say at all in their governments actions. Though sometimes that is also true in a democracy 😞 2mo
tpixie This sounds like it would be incredibly profound 2mo
youneverarrived @Graywacke sometimes with audio books I might get a bit distracted here or there but not with this one, very powerful 2mo
youneverarrived @TrishB I had the same thoughts 😔 2mo
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I can‘t review this objectively at all because I just felt it all subjectively, although I‘m not going/have not been through loss of a parent, divorce, finding my own way as a single parent etc. I just felt it. Love her writing.

Suet624 Hmm…since I‘ve done all of those things I guess I‘ll stack it. 🥴🤣 3mo
youneverarrived @Suet624 😂 let me know what you think 3mo
batsy Great review! Adding to the list 🧡 3mo
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sarahbarnes She is one of my favorites. I haven‘t read this one. 3mo
youneverarrived @batsy I hope you get to it ❤️ 3mo
youneverarrived @sarahbarnes mine too 💕 I want to read her backlog from the beginning 3mo
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Refusing Heaven | Jack Gilbert
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I was aiming to read a poem a day but it turned into more of a weekly catch up. Themes of longing, forgetting, remembering, memories, love lost, love gained with vivid backdrops. Some poems and lines were a ‘wow‘ moment and I lingered over them while others left only a small impression. I won‘t be rushing to read more of his poetry but it has made me want to keep on reading poetry daily/weekly.

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I‘m LOVING this book! #womensprizeNF

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After reading this I went straight into reading the second book in her ‘living autobiography‘ series, and went out and bought the third, because it was everything I was hoping it would be and more. Her writing is just amazing 🖤

#nonfiction2024 (Speak)

squirrelbrain Oh, I need to get to these - love her fiction! 3mo
youneverarrived @squirrelbrain they‘re brilliant ❤️ I‘m planning on reading her backlist from the beginning 3mo
Riveted_Reader_Melissa @youneverarrived Maybe start a reading group here? For her publications in published order 3mo
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Apeirogon: A Novel | Colum McCann
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This was Februarys #readyourkindle book. It took me so long to read because it‘s such a worthwhile, heartfelt and powerful read but it‘s also full of grief and sadness (written very profoundly but succinctly, and repeated) so I was just reading it in small bursts. I loved it.

Tamra It‘s a wonderful reading experience! 👏🏾 3mo
CBee Oh my goodness, this sounds powerful. Stacked! 3mo
AmyG He is such a wonderful writer. 3mo
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youneverarrived @Tamra it was - it will definitely stick with me. (edited) 3mo
youneverarrived @CBee it‘s such a good read! 3mo
youneverarrived @AmyG I need to check out more by him. (edited) 3mo
Suet624 Why have I not stacked this book already?! 3mo
youneverarrived @Suet624 I think you would like it! 3mo
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Gone Camping: A Novel in Verse | Tamera Will Wissinger
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My picks for #camplitsy24 🤍

BarbaraBB I‘d like to read all four of them! 3mo
lazydaizee Good selection, enjoy reading them. 3mo
AmyG Ooo a new Sarah Perry book. 3mo
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squirrelbrain I‘d love to read Blue Sisters, and I have the ARC of Enlightenment! 3mo
TrishB I nearly did Memory Piece 👍🏻 3mo
monalyisha Blue Sisters looks intriguing! 3mo
Megabooks Very curious about the Jamison! And I'm excited about Memory Piece, too. Thanks for nominating! 3mo
youneverarrived @BarbaraBB they sound so good! 3mo
youneverarrived @lazydaizee thanks ☺️ 3mo
youneverarrived @AmyG exciting! I love how atmospheric her books are. 3mo
youneverarrived @squirrelbrain I really liked her other book!and ohh brill, hopefully it‘s as good as her other two. 3mo
youneverarrived @TrishB it sounds fab 🤍 3mo
youneverarrived @monalyisha it does 🤍 3mo
youneverarrived @Megabooks looking forward to seeing what gets chosen! So many great sounding books have been nominated 🤍 3mo
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Three | Valrie Perrin
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I love this idea 😁

1. Alfie‘s happiness on his birthday in Legoland 🩵
2. Getting to visit Oxford 😍
3. Coffee and reading time in my local library cafe ☕️
4. Singing in the car with the kids on our long journey 🎶
5. Starting the tagged book - one of those books you instantly know you‘re going to like 🤍

kspenmoll Wonderful moments & memories! Joy! 3mo
DebinHawaii What a wonderful list of joy! 💛💛💛 I have always wanted to visit Oxford & joyful moments at Legoland sound like fun! Thank you for joining in! 🤗 3mo
BarbaraBB Wonderful moments and yes to that book 💕 3mo
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North Woods | Daniel Mason
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I think I‘m in the minority but I didn‘t really love this. I get what the author was aiming for and it sounded like the sort of novel I‘d enjoy but I found it too disjointing - if I got settled into a part of the story I was soon taken out of it again. There were characters I liked reading about like Robert & the twin sisters but overall a very so-so read for me.

Susanita Same! I bailed after the weird apple sisters because I really didn‘t care what happened anymore. 4mo
youneverarrived @Susanita that was probably the peak of the book for me, it didn‘t get much better after that so you made a good choice 😆 4mo
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This was beautifully told. I loved listening to the author tell of Dutch paintings & artists, Fabritius & her father‘s paintings - you can tell it‘s something she‘s knowledgeable & passionate about. I listened on Spotify which came with a pdf of all the paintings she discusses but I always listen when I‘m on the go so couldn‘t keep track of which paintings she was discussing. As much as I liked the audio I‘d recommend going print or mix the two.

Leniverse This is waiting for me at the library, so I guess it will be my next NF. The shortlist has reshuffled all my plans 😅 4mo
BarbaraBB This sounds good. 4mo
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squirrelbrain I wished I‘d done print too. In fact I‘m on the BorrowBox waiting list for it. 4mo
youneverarrived @Leniverse I know what you mean 😆 I‘m hoping this one I‘ve got reserved will be available soon as it‘s the one I‘m most interested in reading 4mo
youneverarrived @BarbaraBB it was a great read 👍 4mo
youneverarrived @squirrelbrain I think seeing the paintings whilst reading would have added to it. It looks like a gorgeous book. 4mo
Leniverse @youneverarrived Doppelganger is the only one I've read so far, and I started that before the longlist was even announced 🤪 Non-fiction takes me so long. And Doppelganger was heavy going at times. But it was also really interesting and extremely relevant, so well worth the effort. 4mo
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Books for Amnesty, York | York, United Kingdom (Bookstore)
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Little #bookhaul from the charity book shops I went to ♥️

squirrelbrain I have the Central Station one - haven‘t read it yet! 🤦‍♀️ 4mo
RaeLovesToRead @youneverarrived @squirrelbrain My fave review of Grand Central Station was something like: "Girl, he ain't worth it!" ? 4mo
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Day to myself, obviously spending it reading and book shopping 😆

quietlycuriouskate Well that sounds lovely! 4mo
TrishB Enjoy ❤️ 4mo
Cathythoughts A day to yourself ♥️♥️♥️ 4mo
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youneverarrived @quietlycuriouskate it really has been ♥️ 4mo
youneverarrived @TrishB thank you 💕 4mo
youneverarrived @Cathythoughts I have the day off work and the grandparents have the kids so I‘ve made the most 🩷 4mo
squirrelbrain How lovely! ❤️ 4mo
squirrelbrain Hi Katie, we‘re organising a bookish meet-up in York, on 22nd June. So far it‘s me, Trish and Emma and we‘re waiting to hear how many more of the usual Gladstone‘s crew can come. It would be lovely if you could join us too! 🤞 4mo
youneverarrived Ohh sounds good @squirrelbrain 💕 pencil me in for coming and hopefully I‘ll be able to make it 😘 4mo
squirrelbrain Great, Katie! I‘ll make a note to get back in touch nearer the time when we start making firmer plans, and then we can add your number into the WhatsApp group. 4mo
youneverarrived @squirrelbrain fab Helen, thank you 💕 4mo
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Kids Run the Show | Delphine de Vigan
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A fast, page-turning literary read with in depth characters & important subjects (social media, mom influencer culture and the effects it has on the kids ?). I thought both Mélanie and Clara were fascinating characters & the juxtaposition between them was written perfectly - one lives their life for social media, the other rejects it. It packs a lot of social commentary & psychology of the characters into a very enthralling novel.

squirrelbrain Great review - I loved this too! 4mo
LeahBergen I want to read this! 👍 4mo
batsy Sounds really intriguing! Added to the list 🙂 4mo
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Cathythoughts Great review 👍🏻♥️ I really enjoyed this one too Katie. 4mo
BarbaraBB Great review ! 4mo
youneverarrived @LeahBergen @batsy I think you‘ll both like it! 4mo
youneverarrived @BarbaraBB thanks! Glad you posted about it otherwise I wouldn‘t have read it 🤍 4mo
Megabooks I need to stop reading library books and get to this!! 4mo
youneverarrived @Megabooks tag me if you do get to it, would love to know what you think of it 💜 4mo
BiblioLitten Stacked! Sounds fascinating and this topic often comes up during discussions. 3mo
youneverarrived @BiblioLitten I‘d love to read more books with the same topic 3mo
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Dear Martin | Nic Stone
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A YA book so I‘m obviously not the intended audience which shows in my rating (3 ⭐️). It was very readable, accessible, engaging and I imagine quite informative/eye opening and relevant to younger readers. I think for its audience it‘s a great read. #readyourkindle

CBee One more off the Kindle TBR 👏🏻👏🏻 4mo
kspenmoll This book is a favorite with my 9th graders who are reading it now for book club groups. 4mo
youneverarrived @kspenmoll I can definitely see why! 4mo
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I can‘t always focus on novels during the day when the kids are around so this was perfect as a daytime read as it‘s got short but informative chapters that can be read in 5/10 minutes. Each chapter is a lesson in something such as confidence, relationships, melancholy, manners etc. The main takeaway is we don‘t have to be perfect parents, in fact it‘s good for us to be ‘flawed but kind‘. I really liked it and it‘s one I‘ll keep.

Cathythoughts ♥️♥️♥️ 4mo
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This was definitely a book of two halves but in the best way - I loved how the two parts focused on the different perspectives from Lotto & Mathilde and the things they keep hidden, didn‘t know about each other and their feelings about their marriage. I thought it was such a brilliant character driven novel despite the fact the protagonists weren‘t always likeable.

Caroline2 I‘ve had this one on my shelf for agesssss. Sounds like I need to move it up the pile. 👍 4mo
youneverarrived @Caroline2 same - it had been on my shelves for ages. I‘m glad I finally got to it although it‘s a slower sort of read and seems to be a love it or hate it sort of book. I hope you‘re in the love it camp if you do get to it 😁 4mo
Cathythoughts Great review 👍🏻 I loved this one 👍🏻❤️ 4mo
youneverarrived @Cathythoughts she‘s such a great writer 🩷 4mo
Suet624 I was so surprised when I would see that folks didn‘t like this book - and there were many. I loved it. 3mo
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The Bound | Whitley Bay, Tyneside, United Kingdom (Bookstore)
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Went to this wonderfully curated bookshop while I was on holiday and chose these two books. They had a great selection of The School of Life books (which @squirrelbrain introduced me to 😘). Next time I‘m in Whitley Bay I‘ll be visiting again 😁

Amor4Libros My Husband is such a crazy book, enjoy it! 5mo
sarahbarnes Agreed - My Husband is wild! 5mo
LeahBergen Nice! I‘ve been wanting to read My Husband, too. 5mo
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squirrelbrain Ooh, that sounds a nice bookshop! ❤️ 5mo
youneverarrived @Amor4Libros @sarahbarnes usually if I buy a book it doesn‘t get read straight away (I‘m sure yous can relate 😆) but after your comments I think I might start it after I‘ve finished my current read 🤍 5mo
youneverarrived @LeahBergen it sounds great doesn‘t it? 😁 5mo
youneverarrived @squirrelbrain it was just lovely ♥️ 5mo
Amor4Libros @youneverarrived Can‘t wait to see what you think! 🤗 5mo
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Apeirogon: A Novel | Colum McCann
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After a week of feeling rubbish we decided to book a last minute weekend away. So nice reading in bed while it‘s raining outside (and the kids are playing with their Nana) 🩷

I‘m making my way through this slowly but steadily - those small chapters sure pack a punch. I am loving the writing. Feels like a timely read.

TrishB Hope you have a lovely break ♥️ and get some nice reading done! 5mo
squirrelbrain Shame about the weather - good excuse to read though! 5mo
Tamra This is such an awesome “novel.” I hope it‘s a good distraction for your recovery. (edited) 5mo
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batsy Enjoy your break and your reading and family time 💕 5mo
Megabooks I'm glad you got to get away, even with the weather! 5mo
youneverarrived @TrishB thank you, it‘s been lovely - you know when you just need to get away 💕 5mo
youneverarrived @squirrelbrain I wanted to be near the seaside but we lasted all of 10 minutes on the beach yesterday 😂 still so nice though, just to have a break away 💕 5mo
youneverarrived @Tamra I‘m enjoying it a lot - if that‘s the right word - it‘s a powerful read 5mo
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Apeirogon: A Novel | Colum McCann
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I‘ve had either a stomach bug or food poisoning so I‘ve not read this month (just listened to an audiobook now & again). Still don‘t feel 100% but hoping I‘ll get to read some of the tagged book today, which is from Febs #tbrtarot & #readyourkindle

These are what came up for me this month on kindle - think I‘ll aim for just reading one (Everyone In this Room Will Someday be Dead) as I‘ve still got a chunk left of the tagged book to get through

Graywacke Goodness, hope you‘re feeling better! 5mo
JessClark78 Hope you feel better soon. 5mo
Librarybelle Hope you feel better soon! 5mo
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TheSpineView Oh my...feel better! 🥺🤒❤️‍🩹 5mo
Amiable Ugh, that stinks! Hugs and wishes for a speedy recovery. 5mo
AmyG Hope you feel better soon! 5mo
CBee I hope you feel better super soon ♥️ 5mo
dabbe Hope you‘re on the mend soon. 💚💙💚 5mo
quietlycuriouskate Oh, that's rough! Hope you are better soon. 5mo
Cathythoughts I hope you feel better. There‘s a lot of that around this year. 5mo
andrew61 Get better soon Katie 5mo
youneverarrived @Cathythoughts there does seem to be doesn‘t there 😩 thank you 🩷 5mo
Reggie Oof hope you feel better. 5mo
youneverarrived @Reggie thank you I‘m feeling a lot better 🩷 (edited) 5mo
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Finding Me: A Memoir | Viola Davis
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This was every bit as good as I thought it would be 🖤 I absolutely love her on How to Get Away with Murder and the little insights into how she wanted to play that character were great. I was gripped by her story and how she told it. Inspiring, vulnerable and raw. #nonfiction2024 (I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings)

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I always get stumped trying to review books I like the most 🤷‍♀️ but I loved this one - the imagery, the writing, the plot, the way it unfolds, Lucrezia ♥️ and the ending is one I won‘t forget (it was perfect for the book).

Amiable I just finished this one over the weekend -- I also loved it! 5mo
Crazeedi I've read a different book on this woman, definitely want to read!! 5mo
julesG It's weird, isn't it? I can rant about bad books, but don't know what to say about the ones I love. 5mo
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andrew61 It's our reading group book for March so I'll be starting it this week. Glad you gave it a good review. 5mo
youneverarrived @Amiable she‘s such a good writer! 5mo
youneverarrived @Crazeedi I‘d recommend it 😁 5mo
youneverarrived @julesG exactly! I don‘t know why that is 🤷‍♀️ 5mo
youneverarrived @andrew61 let me know what you think! It should make a great discussion 👍 5mo
Cathythoughts I loved this book too ❤️ 5mo
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I‘ve only read Matrix by Groff (loved it!) but this feels so different. It‘s a slow read but I‘m really enjoying it. Almost at the second half which I‘ve heard changes things up a bit.

Ruthiella The second half will make you rethink the first half. I‘m glad I stuck it out, because I‘d had more than enough of Lotto! 5mo
LeahBergen I liked this one, too! 5mo
squirrelbrain Yes, the second half is 🤯 5mo
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Megabooks The second half is like a totally different book! 5mo
youneverarrived @Ruthiella I‘m definitely at that point with Lotto 🙈 5mo
youneverarrived @LeahBergen love her writing! 5mo
youneverarrived @squirrelbrain @Megabooks I‘m really intrigued! 5mo
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Untitled | Unknown
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I‘m still very much on a Laura Marling kick but another rediscovery recently of this song and Painter (Valentine) which is on the same single. I used to listen to them a lot so it‘s nice to hear them again 🩷 #tuesdaytunes


BarbaraBB Oh yes, Låpsley! Brings back memories! 5mo
TieDyeDude Thanks for the recommendation! 5mo
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vivastory This was new to me. Added to my library. Loved it 5mo
youneverarrived So glad you like it @vivastory 5mo
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“Insipid/idealistic portrayals of motherhood made me less interested in it as a young person. I thought it was boring when it‘s one of the most extreme socio-political experiences I have ever been through.”

All the stars for this book ✨ becoming a mother changes us physically and mentally and Jones details this using research from neuroscience, existential therapy, ecology, sociology etc. as well as drawing from her own experiences.

youneverarrived I‘m using this for #nonfiction2024 Looking for Alaska (“there is no other time in a human‘s life course that entails such dramatic change, other than adolescence”.) (edited) 5mo
squirrelbrain Great review! ❤️ 5mo
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Untitled | Unknown
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One of the songs from this album came on when I was listening to a playlist the other week and it‘s like rediscovering an old favourite as it‘s been years since I‘ve listened to it & I‘d forgotten how much I love it 🖤 favourites - Hope in The Air, Blackberry Stone, Made by Maid #tuesdaytunes


merelybookish I love her and this album! 5mo
zezeki I loved this album, it's been a while since I've listened to it. 5mo
BarbaraBB I don‘t know this album. Will change that 😀 5mo
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Billypar Laura Marling is amazing - I love everything she does. 5mo
youneverarrived @merelybookish she‘s amazing ♥️ 5mo
youneverarrived @zezeki I hadn‘t listened to it for years so it‘s been great to rediscover it. 5mo
youneverarrived @BarbaraBB it‘s such a cohesive album! 5mo
youneverarrived @Billypar she is 🤍 I need to listen to more of her recent stuff. 5mo
TheKidUpstairs Such a beautiful album, haven't listened to her in forever - thanks for the reminder! 5mo
TieDyeDude Thanks for the recommendation! 5mo
youneverarrived @TheKidUpstairs it really is! It‘s lovely listening to her music again after such a long time. 5mo
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Although #auldlangspine was one sided for me I‘m still glad I signed up as this was on my tbr and my match‘s list so it‘s given me the push to read it, and I‘m loving it! Flying through it.

rockpools I‘ve heard such wonderful things about Maggie O‘Farrell (and of course never read her!). Glad you‘re enjoying it. 5mo
monalyisha What a lovely photo! I need to get to this one. I absolutely loved Hamnet. 5mo
squirrelbrain I loved this too. ❤️ 5mo
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Chelsea.Poole I love this book!! 5mo
youneverarrived @rockpools she is a brilliant writer 🤍 I read her memoir last year and it was one of my favourite reads. 5mo
youneverarrived @monalyisha Hamnet is on my list to read 🤍 (edited) 5mo
youneverarrived @squirrelbrain @Chelsea.Poole I finished it last night and I‘m in full agreement with you both - loved it ♥️ 5mo
rockpools @youneverarrived Sorry for being dozy - which was her memoir? 5mo
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You Be Mother | Meg Mason
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I liked this book about Abi, who becomes pregnant at a young age and moves to Australia to be with her boyfriend (who is actually infuriating for most of the book but realistically written), and who is befriended by Phil, an older woman, and a lovely but complex friendship ensues. It dragged on a bit in places and the ending was very neatly tied up but a charming read all the same.

This was my #tbrtarot from last month @CBee

CBee Awesome! I really liked Sorrow and Bliss. 6mo
BarbaraBB Echoing @CBee ! 6mo
squirrelbrain Not as good as Sorrow and Bliss (which is a hard act to follow!) but I really liked it too. 6mo
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youneverarrived @CBee @BarbaraBB they‘re quite different but both very character driven; she writes characters so well! 6mo
youneverarrived @squirrelbrain Sorrow and Bliss felt more of a ‘complete‘ novel - this was a bit more meandering I think, although I still slightly liked it better 6mo
BarbaraBB Thanks, I am excited to read this one too! 6mo
CBee @BarbaraBB ♥️♥️ 6mo
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