What little excitement there was petered out in early chapters, I DNF‘d halfway. The heroine is virtuous, the hero is immature, and both are dull.
What little excitement there was petered out in early chapters, I DNF‘d halfway. The heroine is virtuous, the hero is immature, and both are dull.
This ebook is on sale right now. It's one of my favorite historical romances. Desperate and very recently widowed heroine pays roguish neighbor to quickly get her pregnant so she can keep her estate from her awful brother-in-law. They have awkward sex until they start respecting each other.
This book is one of my all time favorite historical romances. The heroine starts off kind of unlikable. In fact, some reviewers couldn't get past that. But I liked how her character developed throughout the book. Oh, and it's on sale on Amazon right now.
I loved this book from start to finish. The writing style was reminiscent of Austen with more raunch. The first 1/4 was so delightful and funny and anti-romance. It flipped typical romance tropes with unlikely protagonists and it was very clever, different and delightful. I loved the evolution of the characters and their relationship - perfectly balanced. Highly recommended. #romansty