I really enjoyed the first half of this book, a YA about a gay girl dealing with her girlfriend leaving and the return of an old friend. The 2nd half was not as enjoyable getting bogged down in problems and a Ramona I had trouble liking. So a decent mixed read that had some good moments, but not enough for me to love it. #romansty #osrbc
This book was seriously great, loved it from start to finish. As a YA set amongst a biker gang, it had something different in terms of setting, the writing was great and the characters fantastic. The plot kept me turning pages and the romances were swoon-tastic. Serious love for this one. #romansty #osrbc
As slow as the first book was this one ripped along at a much better pace and I enjoyed it a lot more now that all the setup was out of the way. I love love loved the ballroom/party scene - I never thought or expected that to happen. Old characters making an appearance was amazing, with one in particular wrenching my heart all over again. A great read and I can't wait to be destroyed by book 3. #romansty #osrbc
I've been saving this series until it's complete release (not easy to do) and they're is something momentous about it being the last ever Fitz and Fool series. I found the first half a bit on the slow side but by then I was well and truly sucked into the story. Everything building to the return of the Fool with some treats cried along the way. Can't wait to read the next book! #romansty #osrbc
I really enjoyed Anatomical Shape of a Heart so had high hopes for this one and they were totally warranted. While this wasn't perfect, it gave me the warm floofy feelings I get from books like Rowell's Fangirl or anything @JuliaQuinn and that is more important than perfection in my mind. Porter & Bailey were flawed, interesting & likeable and their falling in love was a delight to experience. #romansty #osrbc
Another great book in what is proving to be an excellent series. I'm loving the slow burn on the reveal of Charley's powers, Reyes is starting to get more interesting (although I still like Swopes better) and the ending that I expected wasn't what I expected at all and that was great! Two thumbs up. #romansty #osrbc
This book wasn't what I expected on several levels (didn't help I forgot it was the 1st in a series) and while I thought it was good it also felt like it took forever to read. In depth characters, well written and it felt quite unique. It took me a while to figure out that it wasn't going to be a traditional 2 characters HEA but an exploration of 2 characters on a break from their destinies. Intriguing book. #romansty #osrbc
I loved this book - it had pretty much everything I love in urban fantasy and did it well. Great pace, writing and characters. Charley was chock full of smart assery and cajones. I got swept away in the plot and the world. The Reyes stuff was a little overkilled but it wasn't a big issue at all. I'm diving head first into this series, because I want more! #romansty #osrbc
My first Sophie Kinsella book and it was exactly what I was expecting. It was decent enough, heroine in chaos in life and love, madcap adventures leading to connection with hero, everything going wrong, stepping on right path & ending on sorting life & love for a HEA. Katie was a perfectly ok MC, sometimes irritating but ok. Alex fell flat as the romantic lead, Demeter(the boss) was the best character & storyline. #romansty #osrbc
I had some issues with this one: "kiss them until they like it" Rafe Bowman (ugh) and the whole Marcus/Lillian thing (ugh ugh). Hannah was an ok, non-memorable heroine and the others were all there and it was nice. I did like the tin soldier thing with Rafe, but hated Lillian's inexplicable mistrust. Not my fav. #romansty #osrbc
Reread. I love a villain to hero romance and this is a great one. St Vincent is wonderful and Evie a great match for him. I sometimes struggle with the gentler heroines but Evie was done well. This is one of LK's best and this book ties together 2 different series's from her as well, which is a nice little addition. #romansty #osrbc
P.S. I've never seen this stepback (cover) - this scene wasn't in the book, lol. #inaccurate
Actually read Just Business but couldn't find that on here. I really enjoyed this, the build up to stuff happening was excellent. The falling out threw me a little, not because I didn't understand the why of it more the reaction to it, it seemed out of proportion to me. Some hot moments and some good emotional moments and a thumbs up from me. #romansty #osrbc
This was quite a sweet book, with a very likeable protagonist. I thought some of the emails were a bit bland and lacking personality, but there were other times where the book was full of personality - a little inconsistent. Martin was suitably frustrating and conflicting, & Simon's romance was worth the build up, although I guessed who he was early on (I did enjoy the swerves in uncovering his identity though). #romansty #osrbc
The only reason I didn't DNF this book was because I was curious how the author turned the allergic to everything pompous Drew into the romantic lead. I disliked Cass, the MC, I hated Taylor, the romantic competition and all the other characters were bland & uninteresting. The story was terrible, the pranks nonsensical and the character development non existent. Didn't like it, shouldn't have bothered. #romansty #osrbc
A bit of a funny one for me because I found it readable & well written, but I really really disliked June. She was a miserable horrid clichéd cow who didn't redeem herself nearly enough to win me over. I loved Oliver, he was about the only character that broke cliché (although the bit with Theo at the end got a thumbs up from me) and seemed liked a genuinely good human being. It was ok but had big character issues. #romansty #osrbc
I really enjoyed reading this book. I enjoyed the setting and the vibe and the writing. The characters were interesting and flawed, even if the MC did get a bit $@&×£ at times - this was acknowledged and works on which was great. Some of the nerd references passed me by but I got most of them, but I could see some people struggling with that a little. The surprise mystery was great too! Thumbs up! #romansty #osrbc
Actually read The Blue House in Bishop, title not listed here at this time.
I think there is a decent book hidden in here, but it'll need a bit more work to bring it out. The pacing was way off, there were some inconsistencies and errors and too much information that took away from the impact the plot could have had with more mystery. #romansty #osrbc
Much like Cold-hearted Rake, I really struggled with the romance in this one, although I didn't enjoy the story quite as much as CHR. I love a romance where you get to explore the characters falling in love but the characters were essentially in love already, it was about the impending "doom" preventing the wedding. Just not my sort of romance, it lacked the kind of depth I've come to expect from LK. #romansty #osrbc
Cold-hearted Rake and Winterborne have been spotted with stuff like this, which is just bizarre from such an accomplished and polished author. It feels like these have been earlier works that have been pulled from the bottom drawer and dusted off. Curious to see how Winterborne turns out.
This was an odd book for LK. While I enjoyed the story (even if there was a whole lack of economizing for a cash-strapped situation), the romance was a dull grey smock with ugly unlikeable patches & the odd sequin. I was surprised at the time Helen & Winterborne got & the build up to their book was odd but caught my interest in the end. #romansty #osrbc
After reading a short story by this author I actually assumed this story would be erotica rather than NA - should read the blurbs more carefully. Anyway, I'm not a fan of the seemingly predominant style in NA of sex heavy stories that don't build on the characters enough and this suffered heavily from NA trope-itis. If you like the current NA style then this would be a great book to read. Not for me. #romansty #osrbc
I wish I'd had less interruptions to read this one in big hits because it deserved the attention. I loved the way threads from the first two books came together in the end, it made the ending so much more meaningful and impactful. This was a fantastic read, plenty of danger, adventure and moments where you didn't know how Devi would escape/get through. Loved it! #romansty #osrbc
While it wasn't quite as good as the first book with its appealing mystery upon mystery this was still a highly enjoyable book. This was about the fallout from the knowledge gained & actions taken in the first book which led Devi onto a whole new path. Chock full of action and adventure, it was also interesting to see how things developed with Rupert. #romansty #osrbc
I don't read a lot of sci-fi but I absolutely loved this. From the bones up it was so well done, perfectly paced with great characters and a very interesting story. The way information was given gave such great tension to the story & built mystery upon mystery. The construction was like an urban fantasy novel, very readable & didn't get bogged down in too much complicated world building as some sci-fi do. A great read! #romansty #osrbc
It wasn't until I hit 65% that I really started to enjoy this one. The start was chock full of angst and I found Rachel quite whiny at times with a couple of TSTL moments and far too much introspection. All the building blocks were done here but I think the pace was a bit off. Post 65% was excellent reading and the rest of the book sped by. A mixed bag for me but when it was good it was really good. #osrbc #romansty
A new to me author, & a little taste test of her style. I enjoyed the story and her writing, there was a great scene (1st one) in the office that was quite spicy.
I really liked Violet, I could picture her easily and she was a likeable character. I was a little less sold on Alex, but I liked that he took time out to work on himself.
An enjoyable read and I‘m going to be giving her novel Lick, a go. #romansty #osrbc
I adored this book. Colin is now my fav SEP hero. An unexpected contemporary hero reminding me of 3 of my fav romance heroes: Chase's Dain (the beak of a nose), Beverley's Bey Malloren & @EloisaJames 's Villiers (the clothes & a feminine touch to utter masculinity). Sugar Beth was a brilliantly flawed heroine with so much sass. C&SB had loads of chemistry. The side story was slow to grow on me but enjoyed it in the end. #romansty #osrbc
The one that went from here to there without coming anyplace close to sincerity. 💙💚💛💜💗
I love the way SEP turns a phrase.
While this is touted as the Sherlock next door you could slip out the tenuous Sherlock link and it would have been equally fantastic. An excellent read with great plot, writing and characters. I did work out the killer and method, but had a lot of fun reading the characters get there too. Mycroft and Watts had a lot of chemistry and I enjoyed their developing relationship. Can't wait to read the rest of the series!
My first ever Gothic romance. It was as dramatic as I thought it would be, with every character either mysterious or cryptic. It got too bogged down in over-examining every detail and it slowed down the book and reduced the tension too much. The killer was pretty obvious, and the heroine's mistrust of the Doc at times seemed a little baffling. Still, the vibe was fun even if it's not a style of romance I'll read often. #romansty #osrbc
This was an odd duck of a book, but I enjoyed it. My first time reading this author so I'm not sure if it's normal for things like genies to pop up on her books but it quite surprised me.
For being stuck on a desert island they didn't suffer much hardship but the core of the book was the relationships and those I enjoyed. I particularly liked Hank - he was wonderfully flawed. A light, fun, enjoyable read. #romansty #osrbc
This felt a bit like a very melodramatic soap opera to read. Too melodramatic for my taste. What I did enjoy was the insight into Indian culture - I would have loved more!
I'm not a fan of books revolving around a central problem that can be resolved or at least mitigated by a simple conversation. All this drama in want of a good talk!
Loved the cover!!
Not really my kind of romance, but I liked trying something new. #romansty #osrbc
I actually quite liked the first half of the book, there was some good tension and the female lead had some backbone. Unfortunately she pretty much lost said backbone on giving in to the brothers. The sex scenes were ok but hardly a spicy firestorm. The second half of the book was a bit meh and the male characters just ended up annoying me. I did like MC's writing though and I'll read her again. #romansty #osrbc
I enjoyed this book quite a lot. It was a surprisingly sweet book given that it was supposed to be of a more erotic bent. I wasn't overly blown away by the sex scenes, they were there and did the job. I think I would have liked it more if it had built more anticipation around the "will they" have sex premise rather than relying on the "secret" to keep the tension up. Still, I liked it and will probably read the sequel. #romansty #osrbc
The best thing about this book was that it was a quick read. It seemed liked Sherlock was the side kick & a barely realized kinda lame Sherlock at that. Mori was frustrating and a terrible decision maker. The romance was far too rushed - what's wrong with building to it through friendship ya'll? The story was interesting if quite dark and the book was readable but the characters weren't great and I won't be reading the rest of the series.
This was a readable remaking of Sherlock Holmes, but had some definite issues. The biggest for me was Watson - he was blandy McBlandson and unfortunately the book was told from his POV so that didn't help things along. Charlotte was interesting but had some major issues that should have been given more time/affected the story more.
Decent mystery although I picked 3 of the "bad guys" as such.
Doubt I'll bother with any more of the series.