#TBRtemptation post! Whoa! A YA sci fi version of "Moby Dick", complete with cast and mindsets. Goodness, this is worth checking out! Ishmael, Ahab, the Pequod, all on a distant planet hunting its oceans for easy prey to send back to resource-depleted Earth (and to work on getting Ishmael's parents away from the ruined Earth). But they have to stop their work to keep hunting a massive beast, which Ahab knows well. #blameLitsy #blameMrBook ?
monkeygirlsmama Strangely decent sounding. 8y
ApoptyGina69 When I'm scrolling through Litsy at a quick clip and stop bc I recognize your thumb. 👍 8y
MemoirsForMe These seafaring books keep stalking me! 😊🐋 8y
LitsyGoesPostal 😊👍🏻 8y