Very sweet.
Charlie Harris, librarian and amateur sleuth, is at it again, and this time his daughter is involved in the murder investigation. And, of course Diesel the cat is there to help the investigation! I adore Diesel and his attention to Charlie‘s moods - Zeke my oldest cat is a lot like that with me. I also like this series in that it is different than other cozy mysteries…male lead with female law enforcement. So different and so engaging.
The way Charlie Harris's track record is going, I don't think his household is in any position to cast aspersions on Jessica Fletcher. He said in the first book that the last murder in town was 7 or 8 years ago, and although I haven't been keeping count there must have been 6 or 7 murders in the books so far, which cover about a year.
I enjoy this series! As a librarian I like the library tidbits included. There‘s fun interaction between Charlie, Laura, Charlie‘s son, Sean (and a couple of boarders at Charlie‘s house), too. And I have to mention Charlie‘s smart Maine Coon cat, although I do feel like Diesel wasn‘t as much in this one as the others. The murder doesn‘t actually happen until about 1/3 of the way into the book, as the first bit is introductions to the characters.
I really liked this third book in the cat in the stacks series. I think it's really because of Diesel the Maine Coon who is the center of attention. Charlie & Sean are determined that Laura is not the one responsible for Connor's demise so they set out to find out who did who in. Definitely reading the next book in the series soon
The dialogue in this series never fails to amuse me. I can only hope my dad says "Back off, Buster" if one of my old boyfriends ever threatens me.