"Wherein a webbed maker of mischief and a scarred minstrel of madness did dance for the pleasure of warriors in attendance with reckless abandon." ??? Thor makes Spider-Man & Deadpool dance as punishment. The whole volume is worth it for this issue!
"Wherein a webbed maker of mischief and a scarred minstrel of madness did dance for the pleasure of warriors in attendance with reckless abandon." ??? Thor makes Spider-Man & Deadpool dance as punishment. The whole volume is worth it for this issue!
I STILL have a couple Hoopla borrows left for May!
This was pretty entertaining. It's two of the snarkiest super heroes learning to work together and be friends, with good artwork!
Taking a break from Game of Thrones book with this fun looking comic!
Couldn't resist popping into the comic book store on #nationalsuperheroday ... and then couldn't resist the 20% off sale inside 😉
Having trouble focusing enough to read much this past week, so decided to go for some graphic novels instead! This one was basically 90% witty quips which was totally cool with me 😄