Another beautiful book 😍😍😍
Beautiful book about a female scientist!
Finally got my hands on this and I. LOVED. IT. I loved Twinkle and the transformation she goes through and just everything about this book in general. I will never not live Sandhya Menon, I think. 😬💜💜💜
The illustrations in this book are just breathtaking! 😍😍😍
Me: I‘m going to finish charts before I read anything today.
Also me: flies through 70% of this book without finishing a single chart.
Holy cats, this book is ah-mazing! There‘d better be more in the works because I need more!!!
This book was so hard to put down but also hard to read. As a resident physician, I understand some of the things that must have been going through these providers‘ minds. But never having been in a crisis situation, I can‘t fathom the chaos and helplessness that must have been pervasive. If nothing else, I have certainly learned a lot about my particular feelings regarding the topics discussed in these pages. Very excellent and thought-provoking.
I really need to do charts and my parasite is hungrrrry but if Luna is sleeping on my legs, that means I can‘t move and my only option is to read, right?? #caturday #catsoflitsy #littenkittens #pregnantreading
Tater Tot is going to be so well read. Packing for a move and loving the books that I‘ve stashed away for baby over the last year or so.
Started this one recently and it‘s so hard to put down! The prologue had me hooked like that!
Somehow missed posting a review on this one. I enjoyed it a lot. I thought that it was an interesting coming of age story and I‘ll bet even better on audio.
This was beautifully written. No other way to put it. I enjoyed her essays about the first year of her youngest child‘s life and explorations of motherhood and womanhood.
So, 👆🏽 that was not at all what I was expecting when I hit the ‘About the Author‘ page. I thought this book was an interesting look at the border and found it very eye opening. Although I know it‘s not a comprehensive look, it is not something I know a whole lot about, so I feel like I learned quite a bit from his experiences.
Baby and I just finished our first chapter of Harry Potter together (starting a little later than I wanted to, but probably too early for the parasite to really hear anything at 15 weeks 😂🤰🏽). This was our favorite illustration.
#pregnantreading #startingityoung #firsttimein10years
This was the best of the three! Frankie goes to a new home with another dog who won‘t share his things. Loved it!
Read this because I was looking for romance with an alpha-male trope (it‘s my fave) and his is what popped up. It was okay. I felt like some of the chemistry was forced and I don‘t know that I necessarily bought the whole angel as a superhuman sub species thing. I‘m used to JR Ward, and this was just a tad different for me.
I knew that I was going to enjoy this because, obviously, Julie Murphy. What I didn‘t expect was to relate to both of these girls and their awkward, self-conscious, self-doubting selves and learn some things about myself in the process. I loved Millie and Callie and I loved everything about their story.
I love her. That is all. 💜💜💜
This was our first glimpse of the parasite, who‘s name was changing with its size based on GA, but because of the joy of family and friends, will be stuck being known as Tater Tot forever. 💜
This is how we told the world about our parasite 💜💜🤰🏽
I have been absent for a while - a product of burn out at work but also the tiredness of first trimester. Books and reading have not been as appealing to me lately for those same reasons. I‘m taking some time to regroup and heal mentally and dove into this last night. I love it. (And, yes, I‘m one of those monsters that underlines in books 😊) 💜
As someone who was dumped a week before senior prom, conversations like this hit me in the feels. I loved everything about this book. Leah, while sometimes very negative, was also very relatable. I love the Simon-verse. I don‘t know if Becky will keep writing in it, but I am certainly willing to keep reading it. 💜💜💜
This was the cutest book ever. I‘m in love with this bun family and their bun adorableness. Just love. ❤️🧡💛💚💙💜
Secret for no reason scheduled off day today, so that means I haven‘t moved all morning (except to feed tum because Blueberry made my nausea spike) because I‘ve been enthralled with Leah. Eventually, I do need to get caught up on paperwork, but man, it feels nice to be able to relax. #pregnancyreading #lazyday #imstilltechnicallyonhomecall
This is how we plan to fight the book hangover from The Heart Forger. I was so excited to finally get my hands on this one, too!!!
Luna kitteh appreciated the acknowledgement to Idris Elba as much as I did. #littenkittens #catsoflitsy #caturday
Howwwwwww can that be the end of he book????!? I need more! I need so much more!
Sometime in the near future, I will (finally!!!) start my Harry Potter re-read (first time in over a decade!) with these lovelies. Don‘t think I‘m ready to start just yet, but I plan to read the entire series before my apple seed‘s due date in December. Hoping to instill the HP love early!
April has been a weird month. I haven‘t felt a lot like reading. I haven‘t had a lot of time to read. And I‘ve not known what I wanted to read when the opportunity came. But I did manage to make it slowly and surely through The Birchbark House and liked it so much that I ordered the next 3 and Erdrich‘s motherhood memoir from Birchbark Books. I just don‘t know what to read next 😂😂😂
The husband and I have managed to make ourselves a parasite! Future reader coming 12/12/18 😊😊🤰🏽
I will never look at the moon the same way again. Things went about as well as can be expected for a main character in an Andy Weir novel. I laughed, I snorted, I was baffled and befuddled by the science (as much of a nerd as I am, physics is not my forte, y‘all). Jazz was one of the best heroines I‘ve read in a long time - blunt, funny, curses like a sailor... I was just here for all of it. 💜💜💜
My new way of keeping track of my physical book TBR pile. Ones closest are the ones I‘m reading. Back pile is the pile that will eventually make its way to my work shelf for my morbid Hospice/Palliative Med/Death and Dying collection. #tbrtuesday
I got home late from my shift, but I needed to finish this one. My heart is broken. I didn‘t ugly cry, but I‘m pretty sure that‘s because I‘m emotionally numb from work today. Just... I don‘t even have words right now. And my reading experience was enhanced by whoever owned my copy before who had made notes in the margins and who I suspect was an immigrant herself. So good. I can‘t even. 💔💔💔
Whenever the attack on the Twin Towers is mentioned in books, I always start to feel a little breathless and a little heart ache. It takes me right back to that day that I somehow remember so vividly even though it started out so ordinary. It‘s strange how memory works like that sometimes. This one took me by surprise. 🇺🇸 🇺🇸 🇺🇸
Reading this made breaking in my new shoes on the dreadmill much easier. I love Xio‘s voice. So willful and strong. I‘m having a hard time putting it down.
I think it‘s safe to say that I liked this (total book insomnia last night because of it and overslept for clinic!), but there are a couple of things that have bothered me. Because of the abrupt format change in the middle, I feel like we are missing out on what could very well be some interesting character building opportunities. Also, none of the girls were really all that likable 🤷🏽♀️ Still enjoyed the read tho!
The writing was beautiful. I think the formatting of the ebook could have been better to make things more cohesive and understandable. But overall, an enjoyable read. Plus, gorgeous cover!!!
Who was the person who had this book, wrote inside of it, and then gave it up? I‘m so intrigued!!!
Had this playing in the car while commuting to my second clinic location for the day...
Oh, damn. This book just got real.
#thisorthat @RealLifeReading
1. I do plenty of both, honestly.
2. DARK. White is too sweet.
3. I buy both, but am starting to prefer paperback.
4. I am always reading multiple books at a time.
5. I really don‘t eat much of either, but I‘ve been craving French fries lately 🤷🏽♀️
So, my uterus hates me today (which, honestly, makes the whole last week make so much more sense), but I‘ve just been feeling like, as a (resident) doctor, I‘m expected to act a certain way all the time which is sooo not who I am at all. It‘s frustrating and sometimes gets me into a little trouble, but I really like being my quirky self. Rules/expectations just suck sometimes. Thanks for being amazing, my Litten friends!
Excuse the poor picture quality, but this is me in the mostly empty theatre this afternoon to see Every Day. Honestly, it was okay - but I felt like they really toned down the LGBTQ intimacy from the book in favor of more hetero pairings for A with Rhiannon. While the casting/movie itself felt inclusive, I still felt that there was an emphasis on making A be a cis male when being intimate with Rhiannon. I still cried y‘all.
“Mom, why are you still in bed? You‘ve been up for 2 hours already!” Cause it‘s my day off and it‘s been a long week already and I want to read, kitteh. #catsoflitsy #littenkittens
Being watched over by my fur babies this morning on my day off. This tiny book was lovely. I really can‘t believe I‘ve never read Sandra Cisneros before this year. #catsoflitsy #littenkittens #kittenlittens