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Thirteen Days in September
Thirteen Days in September: The Dramatic Story of the Struggle for Peace | Lawrence Wright
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A dramatic, illuminating day-by-day account of the 1978 Camp David conference, when President Jimmy Carter convinced Israeli Prime Minister Menachem Begin and Egyptian President Anwar Sadat to sign a peace treaty--the first treaty in the modern Middle East, and one which endures to this day. With his hallmark insight into the forces at play in the Middle East and his acclaimed journalistic skill, Lawrence Wright takes us through each of the thirteen days of the Camp David conference, delving deeply into the issues and enmities between the two nations, explaining the relevant background to the conflict and to all the major participants at the conference, from the three heads of state to their mostly well-known seconds working furiously behind the scenes. What emerges is not what we've come to think of as an unprecedented yet "simple" peace. Rather, Wright reveals the full extent of Carter's persistence in pushing peace forward, the extraordinary way in which the participants at the conference--many of them lifelong enemies--attained it, and the profound difficulties inherent in the process and its outcome, not the least of which has been the still unsettled struggle between the Israelis and the Palestinians. In Thirteen Days in September, Wright gives us a gripping work of history and reportage that provides an inside view of how peace is made.
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#NovemberByTheNumbers #TuneIntoNovember This was an in depth behind the scenes look at the #13 days Anwar Sadat & Menachem Begin spent at Camp David in 1978 working to bring peace to their countries. It was a nail biting, stress fueled two weeks and more than once the entire process hung by a thread. It was interesting to read what the leaders would not budge on and how every word was chosen with intense measure. Excellent read

tpixie That sounds great 7y
Cinfhen If you are a history buff, or interested in Middle East politics this book was fascinating and very readable! I really liked the author's writing @tpixie (edited) 7y
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#MayBookFowers A fascinating and in depth account of the thirteen days spent at Camp David , Maryland in 1978 where US President Jimmy Carter arranged & brokered a #Peace accord between Egypt and Israel. Lawrence Wright did a phenomenal job researching and providing background information on all the key players. He made it very clear what each individual, as well as each country had to gain and lose by agreeing to undertake such a momentous task.

Izai.Amorim So sad to see that the lesson has been forgotten. Two-state solution seems dead and this is no good news for the parties involved. 7y
Cinfhen This particular peace accord has actually remained ~ so hopefully our present leaders can look to our past leaders for guidance and recognize the value and importance of compromise 💜💜 @Izai.Amorim (edited) 7y
Libby1 I agree, @Cinfhen and @Izai.Amorim . It's sad but we have to hope. There are many unseen and unsung people working for peace. Let's hope they can break through. 7y
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Izai.Amorim @Libby1 @Cinfhen Yes, we should never stop hoping. And respecting people's right to make mistakes and learn from them. Europeans killed each other for centuries. It took many small and 2 big wars to make them see the light and realize that there better ways to live their lives. 🤞 7y
Cinfhen @Izai.Amorim @Libby1 I'll never stop hoping & praying for peace ✌🏽 ☮️ 7y
Reggie Have you ever seen Adam Sandler's Don't Mess With the Zohan? Its a funny/dumb movie about an Israeli counterterrorist agent who fakes his death to go live out his dream. There's this behind the scenes thing where the extras that were from Egypt and Israel hated each other on set but during breaks got to know each other and realized they were just people trying to live lives. It was nice. 7y
Cinfhen The Zohan was ridiculously funny 😂😂every single stereotype rolled into one movie! But I did not see the outtakes... really nice to know the actors bonded @Reggie Maybe Adam Sandler can handle the peace negotiations 7y
Reggie I'll never look at Lanie Kazan the same way ever again lol. 7y
Cinfhen 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 @Reggie 7y
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#goodbookbadcover #badcovergoodbook I love nonfiction but generally their covers are 💩 The book by Wright was fascinating piece of history. The other is a disturbing tale of a lonely woman who befriends a student and his family. Tagged below

LeahBergen The Messud one is on my shelf. 7y
minkyb I never thought about non fiction covers before. It is so true! 7y
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