I couldn't wait until after work to open my present. Now I'm going to have to wait until after work to read!! 😭 Thanks so much @lyndzstone for the awesome gifts!! #summersantagoespostal #summersolsticbookexchange
I couldn't wait until after work to open my present. Now I'm going to have to wait until after work to read!! 😭 Thanks so much @lyndzstone for the awesome gifts!! #summersantagoespostal #summersolsticbookexchange
O. M. G. I was so shocked by how frickin good this book was!!! Really good fantasy storyline, with magic and dragons (!!) and war and romance. AMAZING characters and development, realistic and strong and emotionally mature and overcoming obstacles left and right. So much gender equality and respect I wanted to cry. If you like fantasy, especially written by women and starring women, get up on this. 👍🏼👍🏼👍🏼👍🏼👍🏼
They/their pronouns for a non-binary gender character!!! No judging! I'm seriously loving this book. #queerbooks #lesbianfiction #queerfantasy #readdiversebooks
Continuing my #lesbianfiction adventure and I'm really into this one!! Solid #fantasy with a great female hunter MC, a runaway princess, sweet romance, magic and maybe some dragons soon! And it's free with kindle unlimited. I'm at 47% and can't wait to see where this goes.