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The Good Luck Girls of Shipwreck Lane
The Good Luck Girls of Shipwreck Lane: A Novel | Kelly Harms
6 posts | 7 read | 10 to read
A debut novel about luck and love, and winning a sweepstakes, with a cast of characters who will charm readers from the very first page The HomeSweetHome Network has just announced this year's lucky winner of a brand-new, fully loaded dream home: Janine Brown of Cedar Falls, Iowa. For Janine "Janey" Brown, hearing her name called on the TV has the hallmarks of one of her aunt Midge's harebrained plans designed to bring Janey into a world outside the one she once shared with her fianc. Janey, however, is reluctant to give up the safety and sanctity she finds in her tiny kitchen, submerging her anxiety and grief in the pursuit of the perfect pot-au-feu. Meanwhile, across town, Janine "Nean" Brown just knows that this house is her destiny. Good fortune took its sweet time showing up in her life, but better late than never. And now that it's here, the house promises an escape from the latest in her revolving door of crappy jobs and drunk boyfriends. This house will turn her into someone the world sees, instead of the bedraggled girl who others look past without a thought. Both Janine Browns head for Christmas Cove, Maine, to claim the prize they both rightfully think is theirs. When their lives and personalities intersect, however, they discover that more than just a million-dollar dream home awaits them at the water's edge. These three women (oh yes, Aunt Midge comes along for the ride!) arrive at their newfound mansion only to uncover what exactly it means to truly be "home." Filled with wit and charm, The Good Luck Girls of Shipwreck Lane is Kelly Harms's enchanting and heartfelt debut--a testament to the many, many ways love finds us, the power of a home-cooked meal, and just what it means to be lucky.
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This funny and original book is perfect summer reading! With well-defined characters and a perfect balance of reality with just a bit of unreality, you'll want to keep coming back for more! Such a fun book and, everyone should have an aunt midge in their life 😁 Some of us will want to grow up to be Aunt Midge 😅
Book 1 of #15books15weeks

Star1 I usually read mysteries and thrillers but this was a nice light fun change 4y
TheHeartlandBookFairy @Star1 It was fun 😁 Gonna you enjoyed it! 4y
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I love when a book I have no real expectations for manages to impress me! The Good Luck Girls of Shipwreck Lane is a feel good story that has a little bit of everything. Three lost souls, all in different stages of their lives, are thrown together under very unusual circumstances after winning a dream home, sort of. There‘s romance, food, and even some humor. This story left me wanting a good meal, a good cry, and to read more by this author!

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Silly Captain, books are for READING not EATING! 😂 🐱

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Next read! #litsyatoz #letterg

BookishMarginalia I remember I enjoyed this one! 5y
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It's sweet and can be considered "clean" drags a bit in the beginning, it does have an amazing secondary character " Aunt Midge" her meddling really helps the book advance, I would recommend it for a commute or rainy day.


Ughhhhhh it's like every "chick lit" trope was crammed into one book. Brassy grandma figure? Check. Abused young girl who grew up with a shitty gone life? Check. Shy woman who needs to come out of her shell? Check. It was just so predictable.

rubyslippersreads Too bad, because I love the title. 8y
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