Checked this out from the library yesterday and finished it today. It helped me realize it was time to drop out of NaNoWriMo and focus on writing in a way that works for me. Looking forward to that!
Checked this out from the library yesterday and finished it today. It helped me realize it was time to drop out of NaNoWriMo and focus on writing in a way that works for me. Looking forward to that!
What a topical book to happen upon! Happy #NaNoWriMo everyone!! I'm being a little rebellious this year and working on my novel from last year. It was kind of a mess but I loved the idea (ufos + feminism), so hopefully this book can help me get my act together!
This is my 6th national novel writing month. Are you writing this month?? My username is ulianne if you want a writing buddy 💕💕