Hades and Harpy are my #readingcompanions, but some days they are too busy chasing invisible mice. Or ghosts. Who knows. I later discovered there was a small 🕷 on the floor. Harpy ate it. #photoadaynov16
Hades and Harpy are my #readingcompanions, but some days they are too busy chasing invisible mice. Or ghosts. Who knows. I later discovered there was a small 🕷 on the floor. Harpy ate it. #photoadaynov16
I found this book in my elementary school library when I was 12. It was my introduction to Greek mythology, and I loved it even when the pronunciation of the names proved nearly impossible (Purse-uh-phown? 🤔). I still have two or three copies of it floating around my house, and I think it's a great primer for anyone interested in Greek mythology--or anyone who loves adventure stories. #NostalgicNovember 📖❤️👧🏻