Usually I end up with a healthy stack of Amazon gift cards for Christmas. This year was no exception, however, I also recieved this sweet ass box set too. 🤘
Usually I end up with a healthy stack of Amazon gift cards for Christmas. This year was no exception, however, I also recieved this sweet ass box set too. 🤘
I haven't placed any #bookoutlet orders yet this year, so I decided to splurge a bit on their 15% off sale.
Just finished this massive collection of amazingness. Gender-bending, challenging, ethics, role reversals, human (and alien) frailty and strength, fundamentalism, science, and magic all rolled into LeGuin's wonderful and insightful writing. I was gonna skip over the Earthsea parts since I've read them many times. Now I just want to reread them all again.
I got the super fancy Ursula LeGuin set for Christmas! One hardcover of her collected novellas and one hardcover of her collected short stories. All in a beautiful box, plus how pretty are those covers?!? Ursula LeGuin has had an amazing career and I am excited to have so much of her stuff in one place.
So many great stories here...
This paragraph just resonates with me right now...