This caught my eye at the library. I love a good thick epic fantasy.
Happy to be back in Canada for the holidays ☃️😵
Nothing exceptional here, but what Hair tries to do, he does well. Amazing world ; if a bit similar to ours culturally.
If you're looking for something truly exceptional to read; nothing here to see. If you just wanna be entertained with fantasy, you have picked up a good book.
What an immersive read! I love the huge cast of characters; characters so well drawn as to be distinguishable from each other, the world building, the gnostic magical system and the political intrigue. I can't believe how intricate this world is and how well written. This is epic fantasy at it's best! Loved it ❤️
The Eastern Continent, split among many factions. The Leviathan Bridge brings much trading, but it has also brought the Crusades from the West.
#somethingforsept #mapsinbooks
Map of the Western Continent, Realm of the Rondian Emperor, Urte.
It is a land ruled by a puppet king, his ruthless Saint of a mother and various corrupt officials.
#mapsinbooks #somethingforsept