Trying to start my blanket for #BlanketAndABookExchange and finally starting Stranger Things and found myself sucked in instead of crocheting. #Distracted
Trying to start my blanket for #BlanketAndABookExchange and finally starting Stranger Things and found myself sucked in instead of crocheting. #Distracted
I work in ed tech, I have ADHD (runs in the fam), so I'm very interested in this topic. Ironically my mind wanders while I'm reading it because it's so "technical" and "sciency." (I hate myself for use by that word. ?)
I'm really hoping the biological breakdown of how our brains work starts translating into info more applicable to my interests. I'm a selfish reader.
*I AM finding an appreciation for how AMAZING our brains are though.
A gas main leak at the secondary school, no school for students and staff grades 7-12? Why, I just don't know what I'll do at home by myself all day! 😋📚
Still in a bit of a slump....the antics of the oldest child and the 'Velcro' Vizsla are not helping lol.......
Currently keeping me sane while prepping Thansgiving. Excellent audio presentation. Hope y'all have a great day!