This graphic novel was super weird. It was building an interesting world, with cool mythology. But it threw a lot of information at once. And the story was not told chronologically in a way that was sort of confusing.
This graphic novel was super weird. It was building an interesting world, with cool mythology. But it threw a lot of information at once. And the story was not told chronologically in a way that was sort of confusing.
I'm not sure how I feel about this. I read the bindup of the first 6 issues.. i enjoyed the annotations at the end, interesting and helpful... not sure if I will read more but Lou certainly is an interesting character 1/52
All dogs appreciate a good werewolf story.
Super good so far there are only four issues but I'm digging the set up. I have always liked story arcs with werewolf's and other creatures set in contemporary times. Definitely seems like it is going somewhere good.
Have never seen notes at the back of a comic book done like a running annotation-essay-teaser—with illustrations. Such an excellent series, already. All the way impressed. Werewolves forever, of course, but before that: strong writing, solid art.