Finished this tonight. It was pretty good and I flew right through it. It‘s about Savannah who‘s struggling to care for her brother after her mom abandoned the family. The love story was ok but eh.
Finished this tonight. It was pretty good and I flew right through it. It‘s about Savannah who‘s struggling to care for her brother after her mom abandoned the family. The love story was ok but eh.
This was such an emotional book, the MC Savvy has such a hard life having to look after her intellectually disabled brother and dealing with her alcoholic father, which all causes her to have so much anger, which shows the through the pages so well. The plot is fairly basic but fast paced, the romance was sweet and built up well, the friendship was equally as important. The ending left wrapped well and had a fairly happy ending. I loved this book!
Book 2 of 2019
All in Pieces was so beautiful! Heartbreaking and hopeful, I loved the characters and this story!
#allinpieces #suzanneyoung #5stars #fivestars #contemporary
🌟🌟🌟🌟 (4 stars) Three Thoughts 1) a powerful and raw and so very real 2) these characters will make you love them and then break your heart 3) wonderfully done on audio & I found it hard to stop listening
This was a fast enjoyable read. But there's a few things that bothered me: there was a lot going on for such a short book, there was something that happened that doesn't get mentioned after, the whole "a boy makes everything better" thing, and a specific character completely changes their attitude in the end with no explanation. The scenes with Savannah and her brother were my favorite.
The writing was excellent, Suzanne Young never disappoints when it comes to the writing. As an adult, I question some of the choices the main character, Savannah, made. There was a time or two when I wished I could tell her to trust at least one of the adults in her life, granted there weren't many, but confiding in one of them could have made all the difference. Still, definitely a good read.
Just about to start All In Pieces. I've liked every Suzanne Young book I've read so far. So high expectations for this one! (One problem with library books, shiny covers...sorry about that flash spot at the bottom)