Book 3 of 2019
Never Let Go was so action-packed with a great mystery! I never wanted to stop reading.
#neverletgo #elizabethgoddard #uncommonjustice #fourstars #4stars #mystery #action #christianfiction
Book 3 of 2019
Never Let Go was so action-packed with a great mystery! I never wanted to stop reading.
#neverletgo #elizabethgoddard #uncommonjustice #fourstars #4stars #mystery #action #christianfiction
Book 2 of 2019
All in Pieces was so beautiful! Heartbreaking and hopeful, I loved the characters and this story!
#allinpieces #suzanneyoung #5stars #fivestars #contemporary
Book 1 of 2019 |
Rebecca was super gothic, compelling, mysterious, and so well-written!
#rebecca #daphnedumaurier #fivestars #5stars
Fun, adventurous, and gave me all the Twilight feels.
•Read Feb. 18 - March 5•
Book #6 of 2017
#Ebo #LLombard #booksread
A fun, if slightly frustrating, contemporary read. Great characters, and swoon-worthy love interest! 😍
•Read Jan. 2 - Feb. 18•
Book #5 of 2017
#intermission #serenachase #booksread
A fun, quick Valentine's Day read! It's super cute and transports you back in time.
•Read Feb. 13 - Feb. 14•
Book #4 of 2017
*Litsy didn't have this book in the system, which is why I have it listed as another book. 😬 Because of that, I won't actually rate it using Litsy, but it is a 🤘for me.*
#avalentinesecret #emilymurdoch #booksread
Filled with mystery and adventure, I never wanted to stop reading this book! I cannot wait for the sequel to see how things play out!
•Read Jan. 10 - Jan. 29•
Book #3 of 2017
#replica #laurenoliver #booksread
So beautiful! So heartbreaking! This book deserves all the hype it has received.
•Read Jan. 3 - Jan. 7•
Book #2 of 2017
#amonstercalls #patrickness #siobhandowd #jimkay #booksread
Great characters, powerful story, and amazing writing!
•Read from Dec. 28 - Jan. 2•
Book #1 of 2017
Hey everyone! It has been way too long since I've posted on here. I struggled to decide what to post on here, because I have my #bookstagram that I love, and I didn't want everything here to be the same as there. So, I've decided to feature each book I've read this year on here!
#theyouiveneverknown #ellenhopkins #booksread
Sorry for the lack of posts!! October and November have proven to be far busier than I expected. Hopefully, things should be settling down, and I'll actually be able to post regularly again! Anyway, All I Want For Christmas is my first Christmas-themed book for 2016's holiday season! 😍 What are you currently reading?
#currentlyreading #alliwantforchristmas #jennyhale #christmas #currentread
Happy #socksunday!
I'm so excited to start reading spooky/mysterious books this month! I found this copy of Hallowe'en Party by Agatha Christie at a used book store back in April, and I have been waiting all these months to read it in October! 😂🎃
#agathachristie #halloweenparty
I could resist this beautiful book no longer. Target's 20% off sticker hypnotized me! 😂 A Monster Calls has been on my TBR for so, so long. I've heard absolutely nothing but good things about this book, and I cannot wait to read it.
#amonstercalls #patrickness #siobhandowd #jimkay
"Maybe you can afford to wait. Maybe for you there's a tomorrow. Maybe for you there's one thousand tomorrows, or three thousand, or ten, so much time you can bathe in it, roll around it, let it slide like coins through you fingers. So much time you can waste it.
But for some of us there's only today. And the truth is, you never really know."
#beforeifall #laurenoliver