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The Superheroes Devotional
The Superheroes Devotional: Inspirational Readings for True Believers | Ed Strauss
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For more than 75 years of comic book history and dozens of gigantic cinematic releases (and more to come), superheroes have found a place in our hearts and minds. If youre a fan of this good vs. evil world, you will love The Superheroes Devotionalfeaturing 60 interesting, challenging, and encouraging readings. With devotions drawn from dozens of favorite superheroes from both the Marvel and DC Comics universeswell-known names like Captain America and Batman and lesser-known heroes like Shazam and Gambiteach reading includes spiritual lessons relating superheroes to the heroes of the Bible in themes like faith, hope, courage, pride, and power. Youll also enjoy reading about the history and background of each superhero, shared by author and lifelong fan Ed Strauss.
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Novel and refreshingly unique. Many super-hero comics and movies have clear themes of good vs evil. Many of the super heroes' attributes and actions clearly originate from the rich history and deep moral values of the Judeo-Christian faiths. This book is divided into 60 short chapters and filled with lessons on fears and courage, justice and judgement, power and perseverance, promises, beliefs and faith.

britt_brooke Nice photo! 📷👌🏻 7y
Mommamanzi Do you think it would be good for a middle school age? 7y
DebReads4fun @Mommamanzi I think it would be good for upper middle school age and it would be good to read along with your child. 7y
Mommamanzi Thank you! 7y
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"How do you stand strong when you feel maligned and rejected? By following these instructions from the writer of the Epistle to the Hebrews: 'We do this by keeping our eyes on Jesus, the champion who initiates and perfects our faith...Think of all the hostility he endured from sinful people; then you won't become weary and give up.' (Hebrews 12:2-3 NLT)"

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Today's devotion is about Thanos and the Infinity Stones. I found a devotional that speaks my language!

saresmoore Awesome! Devotionals can be so hit or miss... 8y
maximoffs @saresmoore it's totally different than any other devotional I've read! But it connects comics, comic history and characters to bible verses. Really really cool 8y
saresmoore I'm so in! 8y
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