A fresh perspective on a confusing time. Meg Jay provides helpful insights to avoid late life regrets. Loved it. 💚
A fresh perspective on a confusing time. Meg Jay provides helpful insights to avoid late life regrets. Loved it. 💚
July 14, 2020 Very informational book!!! Even tho it was written in 2012, the book is still relevant to today and the way twenty somethings navigate their life. Twentysomethings have so much to deal with and think about because the 20s are an essential time to be planning, setting goals, and figuring out what job(s) you will be working in for the rest of your career; until retirement 5/5 ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
July 9, 2020 Happy Thursday! Almost the weekend! Hang in there. Introducing ... New TBR haul. It consists of The Defining Decade, THE UNHONEYMOONERS, and WHERE THE CRAWDADS SING!!! Im so excited to read all of them but first i need to finish Mambo in Chinatown.
Not bad, ground you as to realtity. Not everything was applicable but there was value nonetheless
There was some sort of glitch in the matrix ands I can still read this book even though my library loan ended in December. I‘m gonna take it as a sign that I need to get reading right now.
Coffee and a good book! The Defining Decade by Meg Jay, PhD. #nonfiction #twenties #book #bookstoreadbeforeyoudie
Maybe 5 yrs ago, I heard Jay on NPR, and it caught my attention. I was 21, felt lost, overwhelmed with school and work, in a not so great relationship, and not sure of myself. I found her research based discussion of real issues that individuals in their 20s face to be sooo valuable. I bought 3 more copies and started giving them out as gifts. I recommend it to everyone in their New Adulthood, however you define it! #riotgrams #selfimprovement
While a lot of this didn't resonate with me, I think it is definitely a must read for all! There is so much in here, I think everyone would walk away with something.
My full review here: http://ericarobynreads.blogspot.com/2017/08/book-review-defining-decade-by-meg-j...
This is my pick for the #septphotochallenge and I love it! This book was so important for me and a number of my friends. I realized the importance of "practicing" the way I wanted to live my life NOW instead of believing in the fantasy that when I turned 30 things would "magically" change and fall into place for me. Anybody else feel like when they turned a certain age something would (or should) happen to them? And was it different than expected?
#currentlyreading and loving this book! I can't put it down.
Knowing what to overlook is one way that older adults are typically wiser than young adults.
Unthought knowns are those things we know about ourselves but forget somehow. These are the dreams we have lost sight of or the truths we sense but don't say out loud....The more terrifying uncertainty is wanting something but not knowing how to get it.
The deceptive irony is that our twentysomething years may not feel all that consequential. It is easy to imagine that life's significant experiences begin with big moments and exciting encounters, but that is not how it happens.
Is 28 too late to read this? Hope not! Here we go!
With about 80 percent of life's most significant events taking place by age thirty-five, as thirty somethings and beyond we largely either continue with, or correct for, the moves we made during our twenty something years.