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This Can't Be Happening at MacDonald Hall!
This Can't Be Happening at MacDonald Hall! | Gordon Korman
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In Gordon Korman's beloved first book, Bruno and Boots team up...and school is never the same! Bruno and Boots are always in trouble. So the Headmaster, aka "The Fish" decides it would be best to separate them. Bruno must now room with ghoulish Elmer Dimsdale, plus his plants, goldfish, and ants. And Boots is stuck with nerdy, preppy, paranoid George Wexford-Smyth III. Of course, this means war. Because Bruno and Boots are determined to get their old room back, no matter what it takes. And the skunk is only the beginning....
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Embarrassingly silly, but it appeared in my book box and has a #ProperNounInTheTitle. Light fiction about boys' hijinks in a private school, very popular when I was a kid, written by a 14-year-old. I thought of sending it to my nine-year-old nephew in England, but can't bring myself to send him anything that includes a “panty raid,“ even if the girls are the co-planners. Some things don't bear the test of time. #Booked2023

SamAnne 😂😂😂 2y
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It makes me so happy that one of my son‘s favorite authors was also one of my childhood favorites.

britt_brooke Aw, that‘s awesome! 💚 7y
merelybookish I Want To Go Home was probably my fave book as a kid! 7y
Bourriquet76 @merelybookish I remember that one! I‘ve been hunting for older ones for him. Was so excited to find the Macdonald Hall ones republished. 7y
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Here's the Keynote speaker from the NYS School Librarian's annual conference Gordon Korman. Sort of. His flight was cancelled due to weather so he skyped in. (This is a cardboard cut out.) He was very funny, too! The book blurbed here is his first. He wrote it when he was in 7th grade. #authorfacsimile

Texreader I spent the day with some NY attorneys who were very concerned about getting home tonight because of the weather. Has it improved at all? 7y
LeslieO Rain all day here in Buffalo. I'm not sure if his trouble was getting out of NYC or into Buffalo. 7y
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#booktober catch-up 3 for 1! #bookssetinaschool #setinaschool. I was in middle school when this came out and I thought Korman a genius and the book hilarious. Just googled it and found out Prime Minister Justin Trudeau thought so too! It doesn't have a super #longtitle but apparently in 2003 the publisher thought so and shortened it to This Can't Be Happening! And Bruno and Boots were great co- #sidekicks. @RealLifeReading

SuperPunkNinja I've never heard of this book before. Now I must have it! 8y
Tanner I remember that book - I loved Gordon Korman's books as a child, but haven't read any since. 8y
TK-421 I loved Gordon Korman's books when I was growing up! I remember Go Jump in the Pool as one that made me laugh out loud 8y
KVanRead @McShelfington @Tanner @TK-421 I remember laughing out loud like a lunatic to the first three. 8y
Tanner My fav was Who Is Bugs Potter - I lol'd over that one (and I think snorting was involved)! 8y
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#funfridayphoto I remember loving this novel, the Scholastic edition, when I was maybe 12 years old. And then being gobsmacked to find out the author published it when he was only 14! Korman, a Canadian now at the age of 52 living in America, has written something like 80 novels, most of them YA.

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