Punk feminism is the best feminism!
Punk feminism is the best feminism!
Ooooh look what I got my hands on today! Thank you @kathyellendavis !❤❤❤
Congratulations to my friend @kathyellendavis for publishing her first book! Seriously, you guys should get this for all your kids.
Okay... I'm nervous about putting this out here but I just posted a book I wrote on Wattpad. It's called Heart Full of Stars and it's a romance. Please take a look and let me know your thoughts. Share if you like it. 🤗
I'm going to Indianapolis this summer, does anyone have any recommendations on what to do, see, eat? Any good bookstores in Indy?
Heroines puzzle from B&N! ❤❤❤
I only took one picture at the Bay Area Book Festival today and this was it. This vendor's booth was so popular we couldn't get near it.
My friend's daughter was doing some light reading. 😄
Big book adaptation news today!!! I loved this book and Lindy West is a goddess!!!
He signs copies of his books at airports on the sly! ❤❤❤
I found this on Streetartglobe's Instagram. I'll post more later. 😉
I just finished this book recently and I'm kicking myself for not having read it years ago. It's really delightful and a page-turner.
This book is freaking adorable and a great way to talk to your kids about gay marriage (and voting).
Next Friday is superhero day at my office and I've narrowed my costume down to three choices. What's your vote? 😀
Listening to this right now and I keep thinking, "Damn, Courtney Love is going to need some aloe for all those sick burns Kim is giving her!" ?
I had this book sitting in my TBR stacks for years before I recently got around to reading it and I'm so sorry I waited for so long. It was wonderful!
My company wins the prize for the wokest little free library. ✊
I saw this posted on Facebook and men were losing their shit in the comments section. I guess when men are nice to us we owe them our bodies. #toxicmasculinity #masculinitysofragile
I just learned that Andre the Giant and Samuel Beckett were neighbors when Andre was growing up in France. Apparently, he was too big to fit in the bus when he was 12 and Beckett used to drive him to school. I knew immediately that this important information needed to be shared on Litsy.
I can't say enough about the importance of this book. The federal, state and local governments collaborated with housing associations, banks and even the military and police to segregate African Americans across the U.S. And then they "forgot" to tell us about this history, which still affects millions of people, in our school. Excellent case for reparations.
Yay! This book is finally available on audio. I can't wait to listen to it, I've been waiting forever.
Ummmm... what's going on here? I'm pretty sure this is not a coincidence.
I recently read both of these amazing books. I'm so sorry that African American writers have to open their veins like this just to convince people there is truly a problem but I'm here for them.
Can we discuss this book? I haven't read it but I've seen her on talk shows and listened to her on podcasts. I want to like her but I just can't. She doesn't respond well to criticism from trans activists and others and does not seem to grasp the range and nuances of feminist activism and isn't interested in learning. Thoughts?
“Sometimes, I feel discriminated against, but it does not make me angry. It merely astonishes me. How can anyone deny themselves the pleasure of my company? It‘s beyond me.”
— Zora Neale Hurston, born today in 1891.
This is an excellent introduction to how the concept of "illegal" immigration was constructed and the politics around it. After reading this book I went out and bought an armload of other books about immigration that I can't wait to read. Oh, this book is available on audio.
I don't necessarily agree with everything she says but I like her hardcore 'take no shit' attitude. She covers everything from rape to punk rock and doesn't give a fuck what the patriarchy thinks.
This book was amazing! There is so much history we were not taught in school. They want us to think that the fight to end racism ended after the civil rights movement but there was so much more! ✊
My first bell hooks and it was the radical intersectional feminist book I needed in my life. Happy New Year! 🎆🎇🎉🎊
This collection of stories centering around the weird conspiracies of Obama's presidency is super fun, not to mention cathartic.
Just finished listening to this book and WOW! This is probably the most complete history of racism ever published and it is fascinating, eye-opening, infuriating and more. Highly recommended.
Note: This is a short story in the New Yorker by Kristen Roupenian and not the book in the database.
This story was published in the New Yorker a few weeks back and received quite a bit of hype because of the #metoo zeitgeist. However, while I found it relatable, it was mediocre. It read like a case study, as if the author had been hired to write it for a girls' dating textbook and far beneath the standards of the magazine.
An early birthday present from my hubby. What can I say? I guess he's just a romantic at heart.
Happy 200th deathaversary Jane!
I'm mostly just excited I got the screenshot at the perfect moment.
"By the power of Phil Collins, I rebuke you! By the power of Phil Collins, who knows that coming back to me is against all odds, in his name I command you to leave this servant of Genesis alone." ???
I brought this board book home from the library to read with my daughter who is learning Spanish. It seems to be about slavery. This reads: "And if the black man doesn't sleep the white devil will come and Boom! eat his foot." Um, okay...
This book was so good! It kept me on the edge of my seat and I had to fight the urge to skip to the end. My spooky reads for October is off to a great start. 🤘🤘🤘
I need to vent! I was finishing up this puzzle when Lily's friends came over. I swear I just stepped away for a second and this happened. I had to lock myself in the bathroom to calm down. 😡😡😡