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Large Animals
Large Animals | Jess Arndt
7 posts | 7 read | 9 to read
Jess Arndts striking debut collection confronts what it means to have a body. Boldly straddling the line between the imagined and the real, the masculine and the feminine, the knowable and the impossible, these fourteen stories are an exhilarating expression of voice and deliver a profoundly original punch to the gut. In "Jeff, Lily Tomlin confuses Jess for Jeff, instigating a dark and hilarious identity crisis. In "Together, a couple battles a mysterious andunnamed STD that slowly undoes their relationship, while outside a ferocious weed colonizes their urban garden. And in "Contrails, a character on the precipice of a seismic change goes on a tour of past lovers, confronting their own reluctance to move on. Arndts subjects are canny noticers even while they remain dangerously blind to their own truest impulses. Often unnamed, these narrators challenge the limits of language--collectively, their voices create a transgressive new formal space that makes room for the undefined, the nonconforming, the queer. And yet, while they crave connection, love, and understanding, they are constantly at risk of destroying themselves.Large Animals pitches toward the heart, pushing at all our most tender parts--our sex organs, our geography, our words, and the tendons and nerves of our culture.
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Large Animals | Jess Arndt
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Went to a food market today… didn‘t come back with any food 🤦🏻‍♀️

BookNAround 🤣🤣🤣 13mo
charl08 Love this! 13mo
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Large Animals | Jess Arndt
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If it hadn‘t been for the #2018readharderchallenge I would have bailed on this one. Sometimes you can judge a book by its cover.

8little_paws Lol! Yes, that's hideous 6y
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Large Animals | Jess Arndt
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Short stories are always hard for me, so ymmv. I wished I like these more because thematically - identity, gender, bodies - I feel like they should be my thing. Blurbs from Maggie Nelson, Michelle Tea, and Justin Torres, some of my favorites!

dariazeoli I was “meh” on this one, too! 6y
MicheleinPhilly I really struggle with short stories too. 6y
ReadingEnvy @dariazeoli I didn't want to be! Dang. 6y
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Large Animals | Jess Arndt
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Having second coffee - a latte sprinkled with cardamom (litsy keeps autocorrecting that to a misspelling!) and digging into my next book #24in48 check-in

Rachellynnwright That latte looks so delicious! 7y
vivastory That looks amazing 7y
Reviewsbylola Yum! 😍 7y
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Large Animals | Jess Arndt
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More #bookmail - from my monthly Malaprops subscription

cathysaid 👍👍 for Malaprops! 7y
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Large Animals | Jess Arndt

Night made me dissolute like drinking did. Put a stretchy space between my synapses — pushed on my legs or arms until there was no body, just black ether lapping at milky shores.

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Large Animals | Jess Arndt
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I'm not usually a short story reader but DAMN! This collection of slippery-slidey vignettes is outstanding. Look for it in paperback on May 9.