And that‘s another completed #24in48 Readathon down in the books! I almost beat my record but not quite, however I did challenge myself this time by not using audiobooks! With 4.5 books read, I‘m happy!!
And that‘s another completed #24in48 Readathon down in the books! I almost beat my record but not quite, however I did challenge myself this time by not using audiobooks! With 4.5 books read, I‘m happy!!
Hour 42 challenge- my favorite book so far has been Nine Perfect Strangers by Liane Moriarty. Her books are hit or miss for me, but I‘m always a sucker for “locked room mysteries”, which this book kind of is, and I thoroughly enjoyed it! #24in48
Two books finished now for the #24in48 Readathon, which I‘m considering a success! While I enjoyed this book as a whole, I found the little twist at the end cheap and unnecessary, as if the purpose of adding it was just to claim it had one. Ending would have been better without it, in my humble opinion!
After a good nights‘ sleep, I‘m rested and ready to start day two of #24in48 readathon! Excited to start this guy today!
#24in48 is halfway over and I‘ve made decent progress with three books finished and 14 hours done. Time to rest up for tomorrow!!
#24in48 hour 12 challenge: a book that has expanded my worldview? Pachinko is the first book that comes to mind! It opened my eyes to a completely different culture that I knew nothing about, and that book has stayed with me since reading it!
After a good nights‘ sleep, I‘m ready to read all day! My stack is shorter this time than previous rounds, but my kindle is loaded!
About to dive in to a surprise present from my fiancé! He knows me so well ?
Masking gone wild!
#goldfoil #priceofbeauty
Prepping for my wedding dress search today = mattifying bubble mask. My face is fizzying!
Can I get a round of #thisisbullshit!? It‘s 2018 and women are still getting paid less than men for the same job? Come on, it‘s time for this to change!
Head over to @RaimeyGallant to put your name on the #litsyfollowbacktrain! Great way to make new friends on Litsy! While I don‘t post very often myself, I enjoy following others and engage with them by liking their posts and commenting!
What could be better than a BOTM giveaway?!?!?
I have truly enjoyed many of my BOTM picks, and my very top favorite has to be Pachinko!!
Ok fine, I‘ll join! If I must! But having to pay to add more than 200 books = bleh! 😤
#24in48 hour 30 challenge
I bought this book way back in college and have held onto it all these years with the intention of reading it someday! I don‘t ever put myself on Book buying bans because I wouldn‘t adhere to it anyway, but I am usually semi strategic as to which books I want to buy and how much I‘m willing to spend on them!
My goal is to reach 16 hours before going to sleep. I‘m almost there. Hopefully I can keep my eyes open long enough!!
Time for a little break, perhaps a nap, then jumping back into this intense story!!!
Chores are completed, meals are cooked, snacks are bought, coffee is brewed, knitting is organized, books are stacked, tablets are charged, headphones are found, kitties are brushed, human is showered... yep, I‘m officially ready for the #24in48 readathon!!!
Time for the final haul! As did many others, I decided to keep reading past the week mark, and I‘m glad I did! I‘m looking forward to searching the internet for astrological explanations once I‘m done!
When everyone is posting beautiful images of their snowy yards and cozy fireplaces and I‘m here in Southern California wishing I were there...
Can I have some snow please?
I‘m new to BOTM, I received the email that my box had been shipped but according to the tracking it hasn‘t gone anywhere yet... other people have already gotten their boxes! Is this normal? Please let me know! #botm
So happy to have this be my first book of 2018! I‘m off to a great start! This is an example of storytelling at the highest level. The writing was perfect, to the point but descriptive enough without trying to be overly poetic. It‘s just an excellent, excellent story!!
Tearing through this one tonight- now I see what all the fuss is about!
Now I remember why I couldn‘t get into this book the first time... it‘s a bit of a tedious read, isn‘t it? Just finished chapter one!
Thinking about trying this out. I‘ve never done a postal book club before, but this sounds fun! I don‘t have much knowledge of the horror genre... #postalbookclub
Part of LA is on fire and it‘s quite close to me. Preparing for an evacuation and this is how my cat helps...
Congratulations @Tiffy_Reads for reaching 3,000 followers!
This isn‘t the best picture of my tree, but you get my 30 lb cat named Viking who loves to snuggle, and a bit of sunny California in the background! What you don‘t see is our second cat hiding under the tree... 😉
Can‘t wait for this! After traveling and seeing family, I‘ll be so ready to come home, snuggle up with my cats, and just read!!
Back from London 😩 to the hot and dry Los Angeles. At least I have a mini book haul to keep me happy! Of course I wanted to buy so many more books with their beautiful UK covers, but I had to restrain myself. So happy I got to browse the lovely Persephone bookstore! Also happy to have gotten a signed copy of The Vegetarian (and I ❤️ this cover) and also this great cover of Homegoing!!
Went to Harry Potter Studios and had the best day ever!! I tried out all the wands, had butterbeer for the first time, rode a broomstick, and bought chocolate frogs!!Definitely a highlight of my trip! And I got some Harry Potter #swag
I‘m not even in America this holiday and I still got a Thanksgiving meal! I ❤️ London!!
Prepping for my trip to London this week, and I‘m SO EXCITED!!! I absolutely love anything British! And, I just did a DNA test and discovered that I‘m actually British!!!!! I feel like I‘m coming home for the first time 😂❤️
My cat understands the meaning of life...
#catsoflitsy #viking_cat
1. Coffee!!! Every single morning :)
2. BOTH! Must have both always!
3. Pumpkin spice during fall and cedar/pine during winter, vanilla all other times
4. Compartes chocolate- fancy chocolate made here in LA!
5. Books, mugs, yarn, and someday cats! 😜
I‘m finally able to add this beautiful copy to my bookshelf! I‘ve been wanting to own this for years!! Can‘t wait to dive into this epic story...