Today I returned a bag of mostly unread books to the library to lessen my guilt of not reading them yet. These 7 books were on the hold shelf for me and several have other people waiting for them. I can‘t help myself. 😏
Today I returned a bag of mostly unread books to the library to lessen my guilt of not reading them yet. These 7 books were on the hold shelf for me and several have other people waiting for them. I can‘t help myself. 😏
4.5 ⭐ If you have ever wondered what the zoo animals do at night, well they put on shows. They start off with Macbeth, the famous play by Willy Shakespeare. The play is presented and we the readers get to see not just the play, but the audience thoughts and participation. We find out why things like intermissions happen. This was the simplest but craziest retelling of Macbeth ever put to paper.
5⭐️ oh my goodness this was hilarious! So basically when the Stratford Zoo closes at night and the Zookeeper is gone, the animals put on Shakespeare plays! Very awesome find on SCRIBD
Confession: I'd say roughly 85% of the time I reeeeally dislike anthropomorphic animals (mostly seen in comics). However, my love knows no bounds for The Stratford Zoo series. If you love Shakespeare, if you *want* to love Shakespeare, if you want to get kids to love Shakespeare, you owe it to yourself to check out this series. Lendler has done Macbeth and Romeo and Juliet so far...he better not stop there! #anthropomorphiccharacters #FeistyFeb