Decided at the VERY last minute that I‘m giving #24in48 a try again. Here‘s my haphazard TBR pile for the weekend. Happy reading to all you other readathoners!
Decided at the VERY last minute that I‘m giving #24in48 a try again. Here‘s my haphazard TBR pile for the weekend. Happy reading to all you other readathoners!
Nothing like having a glass of merlot while reading an unreliable alcoholic narrator with a penchant for merlot to make you question your drinking habits...
I‘m celebrating the fact that it‘s almost Friday with some wine, gummy bears, and a really good book.
My reading today is all over the place. Just finished The Lysistrata by Aristophanes and now starting First Year Healthy. My goal for the readathon this weekend has been to knock out at least 10 books on my Goodreads TBR and I think I‘m actually going to do it. #24in48
Slept later than I was planning to, but I‘m back at it! Going to start off easy with come kid comics this morning. Yesterday‘s books on the top, today‘s TBR on the bottom. #24in48
I think that Heart Museum might be the most lovely piece of writing I‘ve ever had the joy of reading. It‘s meandering and precise and relatable and distant and so many other beautiful things. I‘m three hours in to the readathon and might need to take a break to just bask in the memory of this essay. #24in48
It‘s my first ever readathon! Getting a early start on this TBR mountain with some Jesse Jacobs comics. #24in48
Our homemade bookshelves are *mostly* finished so I started putting my comics up. I'll be spending my long weekend figuring out some sort of home cataloging scheme. #shelfie
I loved everything about this book. I hope Greenberg keeps writing about Early Earth and Migdal Bavel.
Enjoying some outdoor reading on this lovely evening. The reclining chairs were an "omg this weather is incredible" impulse purchase this afternoon.
Creepily accurate. (I'm 33)
OMG. This brewery uses old books for their flight trays. I LOVE IT. Hard to tell from the pic, but there are little slots routed out for each glass.
The beers are pretty good so far too. #booksandbrews
My first job was at Changing Hands Bookstore a very, very long time ago. I helped process and shelve books in their basement used book section before they were in this location. Even though I don't live here anymore, they'll always be my bookstore.
Aaaaaaahhhhhh vacation. Reading a great book on the patio in my mom's beautiful back yard.
I guess it's national puppy day? I don't need much of an excuse to show off my tiny ugly hairless baby. So here's Helmet being a weirdo sitting in an empty pot.
#nationalpuppyday #dogsoflitsy
Holy mackerel. These drawings are INSANE. The draftsmanship on those architectural details is giving me flashbacks to my own feeble attempts at figuring out perspective drawing.
And now I desperately want a Squirrel Girl/Princeless crossover in which Doreen befriends the monster squirrels of Grimmorium swamp.
It's only Tuesday morning and I'm already desperately looking for ways to de-stress my week. This is kind of working?
Getting ready to talk on a friend's podcast about comics with awesome female leads. Can I fit all these in? Probably not.
Don't get me wrong, I do like Greg Rucka as a writer for Wonder Woman. (This sequence in particular would make William Moulton Marston smile). But why, oh why, couldn't DC have let Marguerite Bennett write Wonder Woman Rebirth?! Now that is a Wonder Woman comic I'd really want to read.
I'm on a Wonder Woman reading kick again. Thanks to @8little_paws for recommending Wonder Woman Unbound!
Not really related to the book, but Kate Beaton draws/writes my absolute favorite Wonder Woman hands down.
I don't play a ton of video games, but I took a reading break this weekend to play A Night In The Woods. It's GREAT. Narrative-based, it's kinda about mental health and economic instability in small town America? But with goth crocodiles and mysterious ghosts and stuff.
My neighborhood is home to an Ernest Hemingway themed wine bar (where "themed" = lots of wood paneling and shirtless pics of Mr. Hemingway on the walls).
Not a lot of substance, but lots of fun. Extra points for reminding me a lot of BtVS.
Playing Exploding Kittens for the first time. It's pretty fun. And much quicker than most of the games we tend to play. (The game is designed/created by the creator of The Oatmeal).
Storytime detritus after my toddler/preschool storytime this morning. After months of abysmal attendance, we had a good sized group today and it was SO MUCH FUN. #riotgrams #freebie
Bookmarks from two of my very favorite bookstores. The Changing Hands one is ancient, they're probably getting close to their 50th anniversary now. #bookmarks #riotgrams
#booksandtreats A beer, a gelato pop and a fairly harrowing graphic memoir about sexual violence against women. #riotgrams
Happy Valentine's Day, Littens!
(Credit to @LindsayReads for finding Nimona valentines on the internets).
After reading The Secret History of Wonder Woman last year I went on a WW reading binge, and..... I didn't care for most of the arcs I read (and I read several). After taking a long WW break I picked this one up and it is BY FAR my favorite. Of course DC went and canceled it. 😭
The pinkest covers in my TBR pile. #riotgrams #pinkcovers
The last time I did any significant reading outdoors was in December while waiting in the 2+ hour line to get into The Broad in LA. It was warm and REALLY sunny (hence the umbrellas). I think I finished off half of Maggie Nelson's The Red Parts in that line. #riotgrams #outside
Riotgrams day 9: An author or character who shares my name. I'm taking some major liberties here, but this is my favorite title with my name in it. It's a Colombian movie loosely based on A Doll's House. #riotgrams @bookriot
I'm doing an illustrator study of Christian Robinson for my school outreach visits this month. Unfortunately, Josephine is too long to read aloud in full during a visit, but we still look at the pictures and talk about who she was. #riotgrams #blackhistory @bookriot
I've been looking forward to this prompt. I ❤️my local library SO MUCH. (It also happens to be my workplace.) 100+ year old Carnegie building with a very well done recent renovation and TONS of wonderful books. #mylocallibrary #riotgrams
I spent the evening making table decorations for trivia. St. Louis style trivia is a beast unto itself and as a non-native I love it and am baffled by it. Tomorrow my librarian team (The Dewey Decimals) is competing at the juvenile detention center. I really want to win the prize for best table decorations cause the teens will probably beat us at the actual trivia.
I loved Signal to Noise a lot -- this one isn't quite living up to it, but it's definitely a fun fast read so far. Would recommend to fans of The Coldest Girl in Coldtown. #currentread #riotgrams
Most of my bookish gear is in tote bag form, but this adorable pin was a recent present from my mom ☺️ #riotgrams #bookishgoods
At the CAIR organized march against the Muslim ban today in STL. #resist
Violet, is that you? #booksandbrews