My personal blog about my life. This keeps me sane. #swearynoapologiesmade #rantqueen
Catch me here: http://foreverthedreamer1987.wordpress.com/
My personal blog about my life. This keeps me sane. #swearynoapologiesmade #rantqueen
Catch me here: http://foreverthedreamer1987.wordpress.com/
#LitsyDreams #LitsyLove One day (I hope), I'll be walking down the street, and I won't be paying attention, and someone will bump into me, and they'll be like, "Watch it," and I'll be like, "No, you watch it," and they'll be like, "at-RaimeyGallant? It's me. at-SoAndSo, from Litsy," and we'll have a good laugh, maybe even a hug.
P.S. We tried to blow up the #LitsyTips hashtag today. Scroll three posts down to see my tips, or click on the hashtag.