This story provides the groundwork for what will become the most famous Arthurian quest - that of the Holy Grail.
Chrétien de Troyes, creator of all the romance we associate with Arthurian legend. ðŸ˜
You have to know your audience. 😆
Mythically Marinaded Facts - this may be my favorite phrase so far in the book! ðŸ˜ðŸ˜ðŸ˜
Culhwch is roughly pronounced ill-who. #welshishard
By circa 428, a Romano-Britain was essentially nothing more than a memory.
I am impressed by the scholarship and engaging writing. I am feeling inspired to go down research rabbit holes.
I am feeling great about this book! It has an excellent timeline, an approach to Arthur that I can get behind, and writing that is clean and direct.
I haven't kept up with Arthurian scholarship for years, so I have minimal expectations. I am hoping for enjoyable and engaging.
I am going to be too busy to get in trouble for at least the next two months. 🤓
Mentions of Bremetenacum (Ribchester) and Eboracum (York) got me feeling all nostalgic. The former is very close to my old home and the latter is the place I felt most at home.
Oh England, how I miss you!
On my break, getting stuck into The Complete King Arthur 👌
Trying to be healthy AND save money so I'm bringing my own lunch, sticking to Coke Zero (it's not great, I know, but it was a rough lunch shift!), and hiding in the air con at work.