I really liked this book. It's a philosophical book of thoughts and quantum physics which you learn something, there's even a bit of history in it.. 💫☄️
I really liked this book. It's a philosophical book of thoughts and quantum physics which you learn something, there's even a bit of history in it.. 💫☄️
#TBRtemptation post 5! The famed humanist scientist tackles fundamental questions, such as who we are, where are we, how do emotions and dreams and such fit into an ultimately meaningless world, can science count for purpose and meaning, and others. In short chapters, he looks at the origins of life, consciousness, and the universe. He attempts here an all-encompassing worldview for your consideration. #blameLitsy #blameMrBook 😎
Back to The Big Picture. I love this chapter because it explains why Intelligent Design is nonscientific. (Plus this pic is of one of my fav t-shirts from "Welcome to Nightvale")
Decided I hadn't really read a nonfiction book in a while so I'll start with this one. #nonfiction
Contemplating the mysteries of the universe on the back porch while a chicken clucks in the background. What do you do in your day off?
I was learning about Bayesian probability and then I got to this example. Then I started thinking about how awesome it would be if coffee gave us superpowers. Then I realized that I have probably been reading too long and it seemed like the perfect time for a Litsy visit.
Yes, I am easily distracted by shiny objects. #brainonbreak
Amazon got me again. However, my book club is reading this in April. It's a valid excuse. #tbr
I forgot to write about this! I got halfway through and then got distracted. I like what I read and plan to finish one of these days. I started taking a bunch of notes and then simply switched to marking up the pages of the book. Gave me things to think about, so that's a win.
A book outlining poetic naturalism. Lots of detail on naturalism, underdeveloped on the poetic aspects. As a narrative theologian, I'm underwhelmed. I wanted to find avenues of connection trough narrative.
Finished Niebuhr, on to a scientific view of purpose
The subtitle -- on the Origins of Life, Meaning, and the Universe Itself -- pretty much says it all. Plus the opening paragraph mentions the old Wile E. Coyote cartoons. I know I'm going to love this.