Yesss! I loved the book, and now I love the graphic novel. Next up is the nexflix show!
Yesss! I loved the book, and now I love the graphic novel. Next up is the nexflix show!
With 5 cats it feels like a zoo here sometimes. This book is 5 days overdue so I plan on finishing it tomorrow for sure. I learned a lot from Jackson Galaxy watching the Cat From Hell marathon. This book seems really interesting also. Mogwai is putting her Tort-itude on display here by not looking up at me. She also seems to sleep less than any other cat breed I have had. She's a mischievous ball of energy 😼Well have a good night Littens!! 😻📚🏙
I have these 4 graphic novels out from the library. I am going to attempt to read all of them this weekend. Wish me luck!!! 😍😍😎😎👍👍📚📚❤❤