Finished reading Daphne du Maurier's first book on the train today. While not my favorite du Maurier by far, I still enjoyed reading it.
Finished reading Daphne du Maurier's first book on the train today. While not my favorite du Maurier by far, I still enjoyed reading it.
When you find a Daphne du Maurier not already read, you have to pick it up, right? I found this copy at a local shop in St Andrews the other day and decided I could fit it in my bag. 😉📚🎒🙄
Another greenish book I want to show off. How gorgeous is this little edition? 😍 It's also been sitting on my shelf for months since I picked it up at a second-hand bookshop....oops.
#MarchInBooks #GreenBooks
New acquisitions😍 I stepped into the used bookstore telling myself I wasn't going to buy anything...