Picked up this fun, fast paced romance and was delighted. Recommended on a Pride month list for the representation of an Ace (asexual) main character.
Picked up this fun, fast paced romance and was delighted. Recommended on a Pride month list for the representation of an Ace (asexual) main character.
I listened to an episode of Smart Bitches, Trashy Books that focused on representations of ace/aro characters in romance, and that made me curious to read something along those lines. I was on a Kindle buying spree and picked up Thaw, which features New York Public Librarian Abby as she navigates a new relationship and a job scare. Like most romance series, other characters have a focus in other volumes but you don't have to start with book one.
This was a super cute and sweet F/F romance. I really liked the chance to be in the head of a queer character, but the narrative was totally focused on Abby and, with Gabrielle handling the villain confrontation(s) and grand romantic rescue off-page, I sometimes felt like I was reading only half a book.
But! Dang if I am not terribly tempted to go pick up the rest of the books in this series!
#queer #ace #represent
Look, the blurb introduced me to an ace librarian and a budding romance with a haughty supermodel, and then the sample had a Cinderella moment complete with a rescue dance. Reader, how could I not buy this?
Yep; I'm definitely an Elyse Springer fan. She packs THAW with tension as an asexual librarian and a slow-to-trust model/actress get to know one another--and wonder if they can ever surmount the social barriers between them. There're personal revelations, career woes, and one hell of a romantic gesture at the end. I can't wait for the next book in the series. #queerbooks
I'm celebrating a productive day with more 90s X-Men and an asexual f/f romance. #queerbooks
"You are not broken. You are not alone. You are perfect exactly the way you are. And you are loved."
A contemporary f/f romance with a biromantic asexual MC, written by a Jewish asexual queer author.
The plot may be a but predictable (a la a romantic comedy) but this is a well-written novel featuring a great main character. It made me smile and it's refreshing to see a novel focus on lesbianism and asexually. #lgbtqia #netgalley #review