this series is so cute to listen to. the different characters really bring it to life.
a doting housekeeper and staff help their detective solve crimes.
sweet cozy mystery
this series is so cute to listen to. the different characters really bring it to life.
a doting housekeeper and staff help their detective solve crimes.
sweet cozy mystery
#CurrentlyListening to the third in this delightful #cozymystery series
The series gets better and better and as and audio book with a great narrator makes me love it more
Started the next audio book in the series. Love listening to the audio books at bedtime
Finished my first book in May. This has been one of my favourite books in this series so far. They are set in Late 19th Century England, where Gerald Witherspoon is developing a growing reputation for solving intricate murders, only thing is he is quite hapless and it is actually his servants led by his housekeeper who are solving the murders without him knowing it! Love the way he is manipulated. Recommend if you like fun historical mysteries.
Decided to have a light start to the month of May, with a trip back to 1887 England with Inspector Gerald Witherspoon and Mrs Jeffries. I love how his servants, led by the inimitable Mrs Jeffries solve his murder cases for him without him knowing.