Our enemy is relentless and colossal, but also uncreative and stupid.
I have no interest in sports and only limited interest in reading about music, so I was surprised to find myself both reading and enjoying this. But like most good writers, Klosterman often makes mundane topics interesting. This collection also includes essays on the Harry Potter phenomenon, television, and other topics. And if you read nothing else in this book, make sure to at least read his review of the Guns N Roses album Chinese Democracy.
Danger Mouse, from the group Gnarls Barkley, talking about how their song "Crazy" came into being.
Klosterman, on why he prefers to watch sporting events as they happen, instead of recording them.
HA! I remember thinking the exact same thing the first time I heard this song!
From Klosterman's hysterical review of the Guns N' Roses album Chinese Democracy.
Me too! I also know nothing about Harry Potter (except for the fact that the actor who plays him is named Daniel Radcliffe; I somehow picked up that tidbit of information).
I‘ve tried Klosterman before and he is always hit and miss for me. I realized with this collection that I really like his sports writing but don‘t care about the pop culture pieces. I may just start seeking out individual articles in the future if I get another yen for Klosterman.
I love his writing. He‘s smart and so good at pop culture commentary and making connections where you don‘t see them and just the right bit of sarcasm and wit. This book, which is really just a collection of essays he‘s published elsewhere, reminded me why I like him so much but also it was not my favorite. Fortunately none of the essays built on each other so it was easy to skip around which definitely helped the reading experience
#riotgrams #day16 & #day21 - #blackbooks & #magazinesjournalsnewspapers
Read this collection of articles earlier this year. These anthology style books always have interesting ideas, but the can feel a bit less substantial next to Klosterman's more focused books of essays. (Got so much black ink on my fingers from handling this one).
I went to my favorite bookstore in NYC since I was there for a lecture. Grabbed 6 new books (the signed Rob Bell was waiting for me at home). The Klosterman and Grohl book are signed. The Culture as a Weapon and We are Not Meeting in Real Life were shelf talker selections. I wanted Touch and never read Jesus' Son (RIP)
#maybookflowers day 31 - #bestofmay
Another 4 book month, though this month's reads had a lot more words than April's. Traded in His Bloody Project and loaned My Favorite Thing is Monsters to @dempsey .
I always say this, but I'm really gonna try to step up my game next month. Will certainly have the motivation to do so, what with 3 daily theme challenges on my radar.
#rockinmay day 24 - #itsmylife
I suspect that were Klosterman and I to meet and interact for any extended period of time, we would not end up liking each other that much. I say this as someone who considers Klosterman, in a real and meaningful way, one of my favorite authors, and such a sentiment should only serve to illustrate the impact his writing has had on me and my worldview (or how I'd like my worldview to appear, which is a part of it).
I have a ton of new releases to put out, but all I want to do is start this!