A bit melancholy. A lot grizzly and dark. Definitely worth reading.
A bit melancholy. A lot grizzly and dark. Definitely worth reading.
Man, these stories are fucking weird but they're well-written enough that it's mostly okay. Like most short story collections, it's a little uneven - all the really short "meritorious life" ones felt random and unnecessary. Most of the others were fun though - loved the title story, as well as Pilot, Co-pilot, Writer ... even though as someone with the most extreme terror of flying it kinda freaked me out, haha. 3/5 ⭐️
I loved his novel, The Regional Office is Under Attack! (exclamation point is part of the title 😜) so I'm eager to see if his short stories will grab me too. #nowreading
I thought the first half of this collection was pretty slow, but I've really liked several of the stories in the second half so far, including this one
They didn't have the book I actually went there hoping to check out and the librarian I talked to was in a bit of a mood, but I'm still pretty pleased with my library haul 😊
I love coming home to new books!!! But now what do I read first????? #readerproblems #ihaveaproblem #butiloveit #allthebooksmademedoit
So that's #UnreliableNarrators #InAGalaxyFarFarAway and #SupernaturalMysteries across the top and the ebook on my phone is a short story collection (tagged) by a #MexicanAmericanWriter #maybookflowers
I picked this up cheaply second hand because I've been waiting to buy The Regional Office is Under Attack! for the longest time. They sent me an uncorrected proof which I hate, but the stories are pretty good. I get the sense that the success of George Saunders has given loads of people licence to publish crazy shorts where weird shit occurs, but there's a genuine voice here and I'm still really looking forward to the novel.
Seems like Mondays and Tuesdays have now become my weekend. Today I'm delving into this collection of short stories in hopes that I'll get inspired to do some writing of my own today. Work has been so demanding that I've been in a reading and writing slump for what seems like a very long time. Today, however, I'm sitting down and reading and relaxing. That's it. 👋🏼