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Joined June 2016

Books make me happy; I read just about everything 📚 #Gambit #CreepyChristmas #ReadSpooky2023 🌐Elsewhere: https://linktr.ee/teeebe
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Untitled | Anonymous
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BookwormAHN The Neverending Story 7mo
teebe @BookwormAHN right again! 25 pts 7mo
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Untitled | Unknown
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BookwormAHN The Fifth Season 7mo
teebe @BookwormAHN right! 25 pts 7mo
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teebe @Nazgul93 yep! 25 pts 7mo
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teebe @TheQuietQuill yes! 25 pts for you 7mo
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teebe @LeeRHarry yes! 25pts to you 7mo
LeeRHarry Thanks 😊 7mo
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Untitled | Unknown
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teebe @kwmg40 yes! 25pts 7mo
kwmg40 Thanks! I really liked this book. 7mo
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Oh! Christmas Tree! | Holly Berry-Byrd
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I won‘t be here for Christmas so I haven‘t put up a tree but I did make a light up garland one for the wall🎄

#WinterGames daily photo challenge

StillLookingForCarmenSanDiego Looks great! 🎄 8mo
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Unknown Book 7535597 | Unknown Unknown
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My angel tree topper is a little extra ✨

#WinterGames daily photo challenge

Deblovestoread Glinda! 😍😍😍 8mo
Roary47 Sooo pretty! 😍 8mo
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Christmastime | Alison Jay
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💚 Terry‘s Chocolate orange but I also love ginger snaps. Peppermint bark too!
❤️Christmas movie marathons
💚 I like the games
❤️ Oh there‘s a lot, half the year is winter😂 Maybe snowmobiling or going to the sugar bush every year. For some reason I have a lot of fun memories of jumping into snowbanks.

#WinterGames #GingerbreadGems

Horror for the Holidays | Scott David Aniolowski
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All #CreepyChristmas matches have been sent! Please confirm one you've received it. If you haven't, please check spam folders and then let me know if it's still not there.

Nessavamusic Received, thank you! 8mo
alexus_sb I got mine, thanks! So excited! 8mo
See All 13 Comments
BarkingMadRead Got it! 8mo
LeahBergen I‘m already shopping! 😂 8mo
BookwormAHN Got it 👻 8mo
Readergrrl Received! Thank you! 8mo
MaleficentBookDragon Received. Thank you! 8mo
Gissy Yes! I just replied 🎄🖤 🖤🖤 8mo
MrsGagnonreads2024 Got it thank you 8mo
Captivatedbybooks Perfect seeing this now as im about to enter Barnes and Nobles lol 8mo
aCleverDuck Got it 👍🏾 8mo
WildAlaskaBibliophile sorry for the late reply--received! 8mo
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Today is the last day to sign up!

#CreepyChristmas is a book swap for anyone who wants to celebrate all things spooky beyond October 31. It‘s inspired by stories like The Nightmare Before Christmas, Krampus, and Black Christmas that blend the dark and scary with the delight of Christmas. All participants send and receive horror-themed books and goodies.


A Christmas Carol | Charles Dickens
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I‘ll probably get to two of these but hey maybe this year will be the one where I finally finish A Christmas Carol😅 #WinterGames #GingerbreadGems

Roary47 You got this! 💎 8mo
Patchshank Ocean at the end of the lane is good. I really enjoyed it. 8mo
TheSpineView I need to reread A Christmas Carol 8mo
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It‘s heeeere! There‘s only a short time to join, so if you‘re interested make sure to sign up as soon as possible. Please share

#CreepyChristmas is a book swap for anyone who wants to celebrate all things spooky beyond October 31. It‘s inspired by stories like The Nightmare Before Christmas, Krampus, and Black Christmas that blend the dark and scary with the delight of Christmas.


StillLookingForCarmenSanDiego Yay! 🎅🏼💀🎄🖤 8mo
LeahBergen Yayyyy! 👏👏👏 Look, @BookishMadHatter and @AshRob22 … it‘s back! 😆 8mo
BookishMadHatter @LeahBergen awesome! Thanks so much for the tag, I haven't been online much lately and would have missed it 8mo
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AshRob22 @LeahBergen you are just the BEST!!! ☠️🧑🏻‍🎄👻 Thanks!! 8mo
MaleficentBookDragon I LOVE this swap!!!!! 8mo
Readergrrl Nothing better than a Creepy Christmas!!! 8mo
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Signed up for this so now I MUST post more! 😁 #WinterGames

Clwojick 😆🤣🤣🤣 I feel that! 9mo
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Hi! Holy s#!¥ it‘s been a minute. I actually lost access to my account for awhile as it wouldn‘t recognize my email✌? Last year was crazy and this year has been doubly so. I feel like I always manage to pop back up around Halloween and Christmas lol. I‘m now 10 months behind on posting what I‘ve been reading for #ReadSpooky2023 ??‍♀️

Bookzombie Welcome Back! I‘m kind just behind on challenges in particular. I think I might have missed a month or two for yours. 9mo
LeahBergen Hello again! 👋 9mo
teebe @Bookzombie I definitely outright missed a month or two of my own as well! 😂😅 (edited) 9mo
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teebe @LeahBergen 👋🏼 hey! how have you been?! 9mo
LeahBergen @teebe Great, thank you! How about you? Are you perhaps thinking about hosting your ever-wonderful Creepy Christmas this year? 😆 9mo
teebe @LeahBergen I‘ve been super busy but good. I will definitely have something about Creepy Christmas verrrrrry soon. 9mo
LeahBergen Oh, good!! 👏👏 9mo
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Naomi's Room | Jonathan Aycliffe
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Like a lot of horror, it starts off strong and then fizzles a bit at the end. Build up is great, took me a minute to get into the writing style but I love how a mundane scene is being described and then the last sentence or last few words reveals it isn‘t at all ordinary. It makes for an eerie first half. Solid three star read. If you like reading ghost stories, I do recommend it. #ReadSpooky2023

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I didn‘t read much last year but my favorite thing was #ReadSpooky2022 and having a list to fall back on. So I‘m doing it again, this time with prompts. #ReadSpooky2023

It‘s also on Storygraph as a challenge if anyone wants to join:

Clwojick Yes! I‘m in! I always thought I didn‘t like horror, but I read some great horrors last year, so this is a perfect way to broaden my horror horizons! 2y
Bookzombie I don‘t really need another challenge but I love this as I always love horror. Thanks! Adding it to my list. 💗 2y
Chrissyreadit Just saw this - cause I saw it was your Litsyversary!!! I do want to get back into horror and love this idea. 13mo
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Setting Goals | John Renesch
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I can‘t believe it‘s the end of the year already, ugh. I don‘t think my goals change much each year but in 2023, I definitely need to double down on finishing the 20+ books I have half-read. And since I‘ve been kinda MIA and haven‘t logged/reviewed much in 2022, I need to spend time updating StoryGraph, Litsy, etc. with what books I‘ve read. #readinggoals

Horror For Christmas | Richard Dalby
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All #CreepyChristmas matches have been sent, please check your emails and confirm you‘ve received it.

(I will be untagging people as they confirm)

Nessavamusic Received! 2y
CindyMyLifeIsLit Match received! 2y
Reggie Got it! 2y
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DinoMom Got it! Let the shopping begin!! 2y
Littlewolf1 Got it! 2y
Marmie7 Got it! 2y
FantasyChick Got mine!! 2y
CloakNQuill Got it! 2y
Gissy Received!🖤🖤🖤🖤 2y
MrsGagnonreads2024 Got it 👍 2y
Reggie Hi Toni, just letting you know I sent mine off today. 2y
teebe @Reggie awesome, thanks! 2y
MrsGagnonreads2024 @Teebe do you know if my package has been sent out yet? I know my person should be receiving the rest of her stuff from Amazon by Thursday. But I have not received my package yet 2y
teebe @Endowarrior21 hi yes yours was sent about 3 weeks ago 2y
MrsGagnonreads2024 @teebe I have yet to receive it can you please and thank you get the tracking number from my person. 2y
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Horror For Christmas | Richard Dalby
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Last chance! Today is the last day to sign up, I will be closing the form around midnight (Eastern time) and matches will be sent tomorrow night.

#CreepyChristmas is a book swap for anyone who wants to celebrate all things spooky beyond October 31.


Horror For Christmas | Richard Dalby
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It‘s heeeere! Sign ups will stay open for 1 week only, so if you‘re interested make sure to sign up as soon as possible. Please share and/or tag anyone who may be interested.

#CreepyChristmas is a book swap for anyone who wants to celebrate all things spooky beyond October 31. All participants send and receive horror-themed books and goodies. Open internationally.


BarkingMadRead Awesome!! 2y
LeahBergen Don‘t miss this one, @BookishMadHatter 😄 2y
LeahBergen Quick question: is this still a “one book, one gift, one food treat” swap? Just checking! 2y
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BookishMadHatter @LeahBergen thanks for the tag, definitely didn't want to miss out 2y
LeahBergen @Endowarrior21 Thank you! 😊 2y
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Back for another year! 👻This one will be short and sweet (one book, one goodie, one food/drink item)

#CreepyChristmas is a book swap for anyone who wants to celebrate all things spooky beyond October 31. It‘s inspired by stories like The Nightmare Before Christmas, Krampus, and Black Christmas that blend the dark and scary with the delight of Christmas. All participants send and receive horror-themed books and goodies. Open internationally.

FantasyChick Love it! As much as I love sending out a big package, this is definitely a year to go smaller. 😊 2y
rsteve388 So excited!! 2y
LeahBergen I‘m looking forward to it again! 👏 2y
MaleficentBookDragon I 🖤🖤🖤🖤 this holiday swap!!!!! 2y
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Halloweenies | Dan Fiorella
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Happy Halloween! 👻🎃💀 Halloween - New Years is always my most active reading time so I should be more present here, especially since #CreepyChristmas news is coming soon 🤫

LeahBergen Yayyyy!! 👏👏👏 2y
Chrissyreadit 🎉🎉🎉🎉🖤🖤🖤🖤 2y
BookishMadHatter A Creepy Christmas is the only kind I'll ever really be interested in 2y
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What is Time? | G. J. Whitrow, Marlene P. Soulsby
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Apparently I haven‘t posted here in 6 months… what?! Where has the time gone? This year is kicking my butt. I have a stack of books I need to actually log and review and an even larger stack I need to finish reading but I don‘t feel like doing that so here‘s a procrastination project I did: alphabetical section markers for my bookshelf.

BookNAround Love those! You may be procrastinating but at least you got something pretty cool out of it. 2y
inthegreensandblues This is such a great shelfie 😍 2y
LeahBergen I was wondering where you were! 2y
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Untitled | Untitled
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It‘s pouring out so I‘m listening to the rain and having a comics/graphic novel night 🌧

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My one pick for #TBRDeckofCards this month.

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For anyone following along with the official list, this is up next for #ReadSpooky2022

And since I‘ve finally got my StoryGraph account organized, I‘ve made a challenge there for this: https://app.thestorygraph.com/reading_challenges/5fc84614-830d-4ae9-b41e-629547e...

bthegood Just started this and I'm hooked and I just joined storygraph (in January) - so I'll join that challenge - thanks for hosting and putting this together - (edited) 2y
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The Women in the Walls | Amy Lukavics
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A kind of haunted house story with a twist. Good enough that I kept reading it because I wanted to know what happens, and I would recommend it to anyone who loves a haunted house story but it‘s by no means a masterpiece. You never quite forget that you‘re reading a YA novel. #ReadSpooky2022

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Untitled | Untitled
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January TBR ❄️ Not seen here is Pinocchio for #ChildrensClassicRead2022 and omnibus 2 of Harrow Country.

vivastory Penpal has some very creepy moments! Also, loved The Wake. Gave me Into the Drowning Deep vives 3y
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The Wake | Scott Snyder
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Used my Tim Burton deck to pull my first two picks for #TBRDeckofCards 👻

7♣️ is the tagged book

J♦️ is the prompt Music, for which I chose The Chimes (tagged below) since it‘s one of the books on my Unfinished List.

wanderinglynn Those cards! 😍😍😍 3y
SconsinBookyBadger What‘s this, what‘s this? There‘s such thing as Tim Burton playing cards? 🖤 3y
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Spooky Stories | Compilation
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As mentioned, I‘m setting a casual horror challenge for myself but I figured if anyone wanted to join yet another challenge for 2022:

Have a spooky year by reading at least one horror book per month. Follow the provided list or make your own! Nothing is mandatory, participate whenever and however you‘d like. If you want to read more per month or only join for one month, go for it. #ReadSpooky2022

Addison_Reads Great idea! I read horror frequently, so this sounds fun. 3y
MsRadioSilence This looks like so much fun!! 3y
HeathHof You've got some really good ones on there! 3y
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Julies_Bookshelf_Adventures Sounds like fun! I‘m in! 3y
Kappadeemom Who is the first author? (Hard to read with my eyesight😂) 3y
teebe @Kappadeemom Amy Lukavics 3y
bthegood I just saw this on #LitsyEvents - sounds great - going to library today to get the January book - thank you!! 3y
KatieDid927 I think I'll join, three of these have been sitting on my TBR (April, May and August) so I'll prob join you for those, and then go with my own picks for most of the year. Thanks for sharing! 3y
KatieDid927 Also, still going through the list, hadn't heard of Something Killing the Children but I sure do know James Tynion! I actually know him personally, he's the cousin of a friend. Random. 3y
j9brown Sounds fun! 👻 I'll try to follow along, too! September's pick has been on my tbr for aaaages. And some of these I've never heard of, excited to check them out! 3y
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My books for #Roll100 this month. I only signed up for 1 number but I may try to do both anyway.

PuddleJumper Looks great! 3y
curiouserandcurioser @teebe i love The Girl who Circumnavigated Fairyland in a Ship of Her Own Making-so good!! 3y
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While I was finishing my list for #Roll100, I also decided I‘m going to do #TBRDeckofCards, and probably set my own horror challenge for myself.

In doing these, I discovered I have enough TBR books to cover all three challenges and a separate TBR without cross listing anything 😅

Clwojick 🥳🥳🥳Awesome!! 3y
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Lol it‘s 11pm and NOW I‘m working on items for the new year. I don‘t usually do life resolutions but I do have reading goals:

⭐️ Instead of aiming for a set # of books, I just want to read more. Even if it‘s just a chapter a day.
⭐️ Finish most of the 27+ books on my “unfinished” list.
⭐️ Read from my TBR list, focusing on books I own.
⭐️ This is more an unofficial goal but I want to finish reading all of Ania Ahlborn‘s books.

inthegreensandblues I like the goal of even just a little bit every day. 😊 Happy new year! 3y
AkashaVampie Feel free sweetie to join on my challenge called #ReadMyRoom. 3y
Reggie Ania just came out with a new one. Happy New Year! 3y
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Christmasaurus | Tom Fletcher
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Thank you @DinoMom for the wonderful gifts, I adore them all. I‘m losing it a little at the Christmas Dino, I love him. Those wax seal stickers are really cool, and that bookmark! 💚 and it was a genius idea to put it all in a cushion cover! #StockingSwap #PoutinePenPals

StillLookingForCarmenSanDiego Those socks are fantastic. ❄️ 3y
DinoMom Glad you like it! 3y
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Merry Christmas to everyone from Gambit and I! 🎄 I hope you‘re all having an enjoyable holiday with time to relax!

Gambit wanted to be included while I was taking photos with my mom and sister, so I managed to get my annual Christmas photo with him 😆 It was slow but busy day for us so we‘re just now winding down in preparation for our big meal tomorrow.

#Gambit #DogsofLitsy

teebe @StillLookingForCarmenSanDiego @DinoMom I didn‘t get a moment today to open my #stockingswap package! I‘m aiming to open it tomorrow morning before the rush begins ✌🏼 3y
LeahBergen Merry Christmas to you and Gambit! 🎄❤️ 3y
julesG Merry Christmas to you and your family and Gambit 🎄☃️ 3y
Bookzombie Merry Christmas! 🎄 3y
Reggie Merry Christmas! 3y
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A quick reminder that today is opening day for #CreepyChristmas! 💀 I‘m seeing the tags from those who have already opened and I can‘t wait to look through them more tonight. I love seeing the creepy and fun things you all gift.

I‘ve been in contact with anyone who has delayed packages so everyone should be up to date. If there‘s any updates that have been missed or any issues, please let me know!

LeahBergen Thanks for organizing this swap again. It‘s one of my favourites! 🎄❤️🎄❤️ 3y
ulrichyumiodd Thank you for organizing! Merry Christmas! 3y
Chrissyreadit Thank you for organizing! I really look forward to and enjoy this swap 🖤 3y
BookwormAHN Thanks for organizing. This is one of my favorite swaps 👻 3y
MaleficentBookDragon 🖤❤️🖤 this swap so much! Thank you for organizing it. I look forward to it. 3y
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Christmas Stockings | Rachael Rowe
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Mailed the #PoutinePenPals #StockingSwap earlier today! I was told it‘d be there by the 20th at the latest. 🎁🎄

StillLookingForCarmenSanDiego Yay! ❤️🎄💚 3y
Bookzombie Is that wrapping paper? So cute! 3y
BookishTrish It arrived today! 3y
teebe @BookishTrish wow that‘s right on time with their estimate, amazing! 3y
teebe @Bookzombie yes! It‘s from hallmark 3y
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It‘s heeere! 🎄it‘s under the mini tree in my office for safekeeping. #PoutinePenPals #StockingSwap @DinoMom

@StillLookingForCarmenSanDiego I‘m sending mine off today.

DinoMom Yay! Glad it got there safe and sound. 3y
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I love a spooky story so this was by far my favourite question from last year‘s #CreepyChristmas so I‘m bringing it back! Whether you‘re in the swap or not, feel free to share a story.

SomedayAlmost Boston molasses flood! I have been complimented once or twice on my imagination for using a fatal molasses flood in my story “Bitter Sweets,” when it is an actual historical tragedy. 3y
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Gissy I‘m waiting for one item to send the box. Books arrived already🤗 3y
teebe @SomedayAlmost Ah yes that sounds terrifying. I don‘t think most people think of molasses as deadly. 3y
kamoorephoto @SomedayAlmost All I can think of when anyone says molasses, is cookies…. 🍪 3y
SomedayAlmost Cookies are a better use. 3y
MatchlessMarie I couldn‘t think of any local lore off the top of my head but Dr Google sure delivered. Several of these are wtf did I just read worthy 😅😲 https://m.sacurrent.com/sanantonio/san-antonios-creepiest-haunted-spots-and-urba... (edited) 3y
teebe @Gissy awesome! Everyone is sending early this year it‘s great. Let me know when you send it 3y
Gissy @teebe I hope this week! 3y
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All matches have been sent! 📧 #CreepyChristmas

LeahBergen Yayyy! 👏🏻👏🏻 3y
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StillLookingForCarmenSanDiego Whoo hoo. Thank you! 3y
BookwormAHN Fantastic 👻 3y
Gissy I checked, but I haven‘t received mine. 3y
HeathHof Got it! Replied and already 👀 my matches page for ideas! 🎁💀🎅 3y
teebe @Gissy I sent you another email to test it, let me know if you receive it and I will re-send your match. 3y
LA_Mead Just started shopping for my match today. So much fun!!! ❤️ 3y
BookishMadHatter Got my email. Currently adding to carts and stalking my partners profile lol. Thanks @teebe for organizing 3y
Gissy @teebe I replied to both emails. My mistake, I forgot to refresh the page after I changed the password🙄☺️ 3y
kamoorephoto Just followed EVERYONE on the tag too!!! 😍 3y
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Today is the last day to sign up for #CreepyChristmas!! 💀



kamoorephoto Did you get my signup??? I don‘t see that you received it 🙁 3y
teebe @kamoorephoto I don‘t see it. Can you re-submit it? https://forms.gle/pWF5QPaijjVTwUhw8 3y
BeeMagical Did you receive my sign up? 😃 3y
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teebe @BeeMagical yep, it‘s there! 3y
MaleficentBookDragon Yay I'm in under the wire. I LOVE this swap. 3y
teebe @kamoorephoto I‘m putting the matches together tonight, can you re-submit today? If the forms still not working you can send me your info at theteebe@gmail.com and I will add you that way. 3y
kamoorephoto @teebe Okay! I‘ll try again 😽😽😽 3y
kamoorephoto @teebe We have had a bunch of power surges because of bad weather this week and the internet has been SHITE. The wind blew off the door of our Little Free Library 🙁 3y
teebe @kamoorephoto it worked! Thanks 3y
teebe @kamoorephoto oh no! That sucks, I hope the weather gets better. 3y
kamoorephoto @teebe Awesome, thank you!! It‘s just some crazy Fall weather!! 🍁💨☔️ 3y
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